The scam continues.....forever

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The scam continues.....forever

Post by Valkie » Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:48 am

The compo scam for "Stolen generations?" does not extend to the families of the "Victims?" the courst have been told.

The NT Stolen Generations Aboriginal Corporation has whined that the descendants deserve compensation as well.

The $82,000.00 one off payment for "Stolen Generation liars"
But the corporation (the fact that there is an industry here is in itself concerning) is demanding that families, even children and grandchildren and parents for how ever into the future they can scam the funding.

The children were removed from uncaring, drunk, drugged or simply useless parents for the kids own welfare.
Now they want to be rewarded for being the drunk, drugged useless and uncaring parents, as well as anyone else who can find some way to get beer and drug money from this obscene scam.

The Australian aboriginal cements is place yet again with its parasitical cash grab for the worlds most lazy, greedy and parasitical race on earth.
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