Murder on the high seas?

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Murder on the high seas?

Post by boxy » Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:01 am

Dean Summers, from the International Transport Federation, says the latest death is highly suspicious as there was no mention of it for weeks.

Mr Summers says the incident was only discovered after an inspector in Australia found a note in the ship's log.

"A superintendent was put on there apparently to care for the welfare and safety of the crew. This is the superintendent that met his death just recently on October 6," he said.

"Today is October 29; if it was a workplace accident, I would have thought any capable authority would have been able to determine that's the case [by now].

"To our knowledge that hasn't happened and the case is still under investigation, and given the past two incidents, suspicious incidents, we cannot draw a conclusion either way."
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Re: Murder on the high seas?

Post by Super Nova » Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:57 am

Basically at sea the captain is king of his/her domain.

Anything can go on.

There will be something fishy going on here and they will never get to the bottom of it. It would require someone from the inside to dob and that will not happen.

Nothing will be discovered that will lead to any charges.

They are mini despots on a floating small nation.

Untouchable.... see the similarities.


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