The bullshit thread

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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:33 pm

Gotta laugh at the muppet that wears the red rag around his head saying that everyone is criticising
her because she's a woman and they say... "we cant have a woman running Rugby..."
Well..the public is right...a woman shouldn't be running Rugby....end of story....
Its ridiculous...women should not run mens sports...simple as that....stick to netball...
or hopscotch...maybe hide and seek.... or baking scones.... :rofl ….
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:30 am ... virus-coma
This link depicts dates throughout the world where "lockdowns" are being lifted.
Of course, In Australia, where we are told by our governments that we have the best medical advice in the world,
and our response to the covid virus has been the best in the world.....we...we are still closing beaches because
a few muppets are sunbaking...….fuck me.....
Everyone else is lifting lockdowns yet our incompetent governments continue to sit on their hands
because none of them have the balls to make a decision.....
Nothing changes.....
Maybe by Xmas Ill be able to have a game of golf.....
And I was just beginning to cure that slice..... :rofl
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:51 pm

Well its all getting a bit ridiculous isn't it....or should I say more ridiculous by the day..
The media whores are now telling us that cricket balls might not pass the spit test anymore....
Meaning that a fielding player will not be able to spit on one side of the ball in an attempt
to get the ball to swing.....due to maybe passing on the virus......fuck me....
It appears that players may have to, under the watchful eye of the umpire, polish one
side of the ball at the end of each over...unfknbelievable……
What about when the ball is hit into the crowd and is returned to the fielding side...
Will the player receiving the ball have to wash his hands...just in case someone in the crowd
has passed on the virus by touching the more high fives after a wicket, or scoring a century....
Will this happen in baseball....
What about rugby league, rugby union and Aussie Rules....will they wash the ball every two
Who knows...maybe one day, we will receive a fine if we sneeze in public without covering our mouth....
ffs....the worlds gone mad......
I am speechless....I am without speech....I have no speech..... :rofl
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:04 pm ... er-banned/
More corona virus bullshit....
In Qld to commemorate Anzac Day it was planned for vintage planes to conduct a flyover....
Sorry...not possible....people might gather together to watch the planes as they fly past....
This is just becoming so ridiculous...…..
I just don't believe this....someone tell me that its a delayed April Fools Day joke...…
It could only happen in Australia......the lucky country...…
Maybe it should be renamed the moronic by fkn morons...…. :rofl
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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:16 pm

Sounds like you might be getting a bit of cabin fever, Billy? :lol:

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:25 pm

Just something to do between races....
You have to admit...its becoming absurd......
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:31 pm

After staying in and not being able to breathe here in Sydney with the bushfires for months this lockdown has come almost straight off the back of that so I am getting a little stir crazy myself but I still think we need to be careful.

The point is that no-one really knows what to do and if a bad decision is made all hell will break loose amongst the loons.

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:42 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:31 pm
After staying in and not being able to breathe here in Sydney with the bushfires for months this lockdown has come almost straight off the back of that so I am getting a little stir crazy myself but I still think we need to be careful.

The point is that no-one really knows what to do and if a bad decision is made all hell will break loose amongst the loons.
The point is.....
Well...youre missing my point.....
We are constantly told by our government that they are being advised by the worlds best health experts....
I see.....
The rest of the world is opening up.....
We aren't...
What happened to our worlds best health experts...
This is just a parroted line by Morrison and his cronies to pat themselves on the backs....
Our so called experts are not experts....they are simply paraded as experts to prop up any
government decision which is made...
In can be seen all over the world...the cure has been shown to be worse than the disease...
Australias politicians are selling all of us a dump.....and everyone is falling for it......
By the way...did you notice that Morrison is the only politician on the planet that advocated for schools
to stay open....was that due to expert medical advice....or was that because he simply had to stick to his
guns and not show the peasants that he had done a back flip if he changed his mind somewhere along the line....
The whole country is still in lockdown as the rest of the world opens up....
Our politicians are doing just what Morrison said early in the piece...."we see something...and then we
act on it..."....he is reactive, rather than proactive....he will wait for the rest of the world to open....
...which is happening now...and in three weeks....he'll think about it....
Fkn uselesss.......
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:50 pm

The US is opening up areas which have barely been affected if at all and our numbers, whilst good, are rising again. I don't know which other countries are opening up except for NZ and they were barely affected anyway.

The majority of our population is on the coast in and around large cities. I think we will be relaxing everything soon so hang in there.

The problem is the idiots who just scoff at maintaining some social distancing and a LOT of these idiots are foreign nationals.

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:03 pm

From the link....
3.5.2020.....End of Italy lockdown...…
4.5.2020.....Germany re-opens schools....
6.5.2020.....Japan state of emergency ends....
7.5.2020.....End of UK lockdown.....
11.5.2020....France re-opens schools.....
Procrastination is the thief of time....
A person not sure of making a decision....makes no decision....
Morrison will come out in a few weeks and pat himself on the back...tell us all that we've
done a great job...tell us how proud he is.....
And maybe let us sunbake on the beach....
Before he tells us this he will announce that decisions in each state have to be made by
the various Premiers.....
In other word....delegating authority....
Because he hasn't got the balls to make a decision....even though the rest of the world is....
The sign of a poor leader is someone who prefers to delegate.....
…...rather than lead...…..
Im going for a walk.....
That's still permitted....isn't it......pft….. :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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