Re: Bankrupt Victoria - Labor can't manage money

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Re: Bankrupt Victoria - Labor can't manage money

Post by Jasin » Mon Aug 05, 2024 3:42 pm

Totally agree Mellie. The ALP have become as hapless as the US Demo'craps'.
It's almost as if they're following a political philosophy akin to the (weird, trans, etc) French, more than that of the British.
To me the Voice was already 'politically' established.
The ALP tried to implement a 'Media' Voice version based on the Media Narrative.
To me, that stunk of a 'usurpation' and it was the ALP that 'divided' the nation because of this, rather than its accusations of the political version having divided the nation.

I also don't trust the ALP because although they are 'traditionally' for the 'working class' vibe.
These days, they're sucking up to rich cafe-latte sipping hipster, gay Lefties of inner-city snobberies and expensive Tennis match tickets.

I didn't mind ScoMo. At least he put 'politics' before the Media. In other words, he didn't need the Media to keep him afloat. That says something at least.

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