A Short History of Political Animal

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Uncanny Valley

Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Uncanny Valley » Mon May 04, 2009 9:14 pm

AiA in Atlanta wrote:
I had forgotten that place ..

That isn't the only forgotten PA Life Raft out there. There was one that forever had a thread entitled "I want to fuck Uncanny." Anybody know where that is?
Steady on! :shock:

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Super Nova
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Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:29 am

Aussie asked me to post this here.

Aussie has stated this is the place to discuss if Aussie has contributed to the demise of PA.

My opinion is: NO.
Reason: PA was always a tough place to exist and always had its trolls, stalkers and nutcases. The important thing for all members and guess was to remember not to take things too personally and enjoy the banter. While Aussie is most definitely one of the most persistent trollers and shit stirrer (even when he knew he was wrong) he never really degraded to the gutter. I feel that members of PA need to be tough enough to survive or die.

I wrote “New Pa by Super Nova on Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:54 pm
If this new PA does not have the rubbish fights that I have watched over the last 2 years I would be interested to play here.
I have not posted on PA for over 2 (maybe 3 years) but frequently have a look.
So let the new PA begin.


Has Aussie been a key reason for some people to leave PA?
My opinion is: YES

I hear Aussie shout “show me the evidence”.
I do not have the time to go through every post available and lost to prove this completely so I shall provide an opinion based on my years here. Note I normally only get time to read and laugh rather than contribute.

Aussie should admit that if he feels someone has lied, made a false accusation or even be suspected of being someone's sock puppet he has pursued them relentlessly. Those who have felt the wrath of an Aussie pursuit will know. Many have real lives and seek real interaction become so frustrated with this pursuit that they decided to leave this forum because it became too much for them. In fact I even felt this way at times.

Animal Mother who I thought did a good job as a moderator and did things with good intend was pursued by Aussie until he gave up the role and left the forum never to return. A real shame since he was one of the originals. He is so bitter he writes “AnimalMother wrote:If we want to laugh at another forum, check out the insanity that is PA.

That's what happens when all the people banned from D&R (and the old PA) for misbehaviour are gathered in one place.”

Which is a real shame because he did try to make this place function.

As far as other people who have left because you have run them off I not looked to find them on this new site. Very few people came over after the last move. Those who did knew what they were getting and know your behaviour. I think many people have better things to do with their time so they just give up and go elsewhere. Did you drive them off? I don’t know. Have you contributed to this forum being seen as unfriendly to new comers? Absolutely YES.

If I was a new comer and saw the shit that goes on here, I think I would just move on unless I like a good shit fight. Most of the shit fights centre around you. Is this your fault? I am sure you have an opinion. Does it lessen the effectiveness of this forum? Absolutely YES.

Dear Aussie

Can you provide your view on WHY PA has progressively deteriorated and why people have a view that it is mainly because of you. You may have noticed this is not the first time this accusation has been made towards you.

Kind Regards; SN
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Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Aussie » Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:03 pm

Dear Aussie

Can you provide your view on WHY PA has progressively deteriorated and why people have a view that it is mainly because of you. You may have noticed this is not the first time this accusation has been made towards you.

Kind Regards; SN
I'm not going to get into your perception of other's perception about whatever role I played if any at all in the decline. But, as you have kicked off after my asking you to, I suppose it behoves that I play ball for a while. In bullet point:

1. The original non ABC PA = Dr Shrink as undisputed Leader.
2. PA was at its prime from say, 2004/5 and on for quite a while.
3. The move from proboards etc to the server owned by the friend of Mattus, Romeo was a pivotal moment.
4. Inadvertently, Romeo pushed a button making Animal Mother = Shrink.
5. See Point number 1.
6. Instead of relinquishing the position, as asked of him, AM held on, which was equal to holding on to money paid in to your bank account by error.
7. Hence, my relentless attack on AM's opportunism. He would not give in, neither would/did I.
8. Then DT and NDC arrived creating problems for the Moderators which by then did not include me, but did include AM.
9. PA had a strong vocal core of female Members.
10. Cynik, is his usual tactless manner did go over the top on some occasions, but the ladies held firm.
11. Brooke, one of the Ladies, and quite the Bitch from Hell (ask her mother) sought Moderator assistance concerning DT and NDC. That was not provided.
12. The majority of the core group of Ladies left en masse, taking with them some others to Boomshacker. (sic) This was also a pivotal moment.
13. Mattus threatened to pull the place apart. He didn't but his comment had an effect.
14. Shrink was posting less and less.
15. Eventually Shrink sought to dismiss AM (I do not know why exactly) and AM staged his successful coup, not long after holding merge talks with Nicole and Boondocker at Debate and Rekate.
16. He knew he could not hold the keys ad finitum, and left in disgrace.
17. Here we are.

I do not pretend to suggest that is the whole story 100%, but it might provide a skeleton on which others can apply the meat.

SN, do you recognise who this is? Rxx Exxxxxxx?

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Super Nova
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Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:12 pm

I do not pretend to suggest that is the whole story 100%, but it might provide a skeleton on which others can apply the meat.

SN, do you recognise who this is? Rxx Exxxxxxx?
Your timeline is one I recognise.

That name just does not jump out at me. One that did when I was trying to think about it was Johnny Wikked. However it could have been the SSSF rather than PA.

Aussie, I do not think you are a bad person. I can see you are settling down again. Enjoy the forum and help make it better for all.

Cheers, SN
Always remember what you post, send or do on the internet is not private and you are responsible.


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Aussie » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:23 pm

Super Nova wrote:
I do not pretend to suggest that is the whole story 100%, but it might provide a skeleton on which others can apply the meat.

SN, do you recognise who this is? Rxx Exxxxxxx?
Your timeline is one I recognise.

That name just does not jump out at me. One that did when I was trying to think about it was Johnny Wikked. However it could have been the SSSF rather than PA.

Aussie, I do not think you are a bad person. I can see you are settling down again. Enjoy the forum and help make it better for all.

Cheers, SN
I never change SN. I am the same bloke who joined up years ago.

If you had been reading PA for as long as you reckon you have been, you would have immediately known who I was referring to.

He was one Member who actually DID claim he left because he thought I was turning PA into what he termed 'Aussie Land.'

Red Engineer

Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Red Engineer » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:34 pm

I left Aussie. You wrecked the old PA and you wreck this one with your terminally boring vendettas.


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Aussie » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:46 pm

Red Engineer wrote:I left Aussie. You wrecked the old PA and you wreck this one with your terminally boring vendettas.
There ya go, Super Nova. A 'Guest' knows more about the former Membership of this place than you do, and you claim Holy (ier than thou) Man status.


As for you Guest RE, I do trust you are posting from overseas.


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Super Nova
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Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:54 pm

If you had been reading PA for as long as you reckon you have been, you would have immediately known who I was referring to.

He was one Member who actually DID claim he left because he thought I was turning PA into what he termed 'Aussie Land.'
So it could be Red Engineer. Remember the name. So what.

This is exactly what I (and others) are on about.

You deliberately seek to provoke negative feelings. This statement "If you had been reading PA for as long as you reckon you have been, you would have immediately known who I was referring to." is solely designed to challange the fact i have been around for years. Do I remember everyone who you have had a shitfight with. NO.

You hope that I take imediate offence, which I have, to the implicit dig at my personal integrity.

Well F..K you. I am tied of your shit. Your continued desire to have eberyone off balance. You are clearly a sick pup. You are not a positive contributor.

Let's look at what has happened.

You asked to to raise the question here.
I did so.
You ask a question that I did not have the answer too on the top of my head.
I failed your test
You make an implied accusation.
You get a negative response.
The cycle starts again.

This is why you destroy PA. Here is a clear case that should be further analysed. Let's contain the debate to this issue above. It is a clear example of your behaviour. It is clear you do not care. It is clear your only agenda is to get as many people off side as possible.

What do you have to say for yourself?
Why do you do it?
What void is this behaviour filling?
Always remember what you post, send or do on the internet is not private and you are responsible.

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Super Nova
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Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:55 pm

Aussie wrote:
Red Engineer wrote:I left Aussie. You wrecked the old PA and you wreck this one with your terminally boring vendettas.
There ya go, Super Nova. A 'Guest' knows more about the former Membership of this place than you do, and you claim Holy (ier than thou) Man status.


As for you Guest RE, I do trust you are posting from overseas.

Aussie, you are such a wanker and your immediate response proves true my previous statements.

Deny it if you can. You are always seeking to unsettle everyone.
Always remember what you post, send or do on the internet is not private and you are responsible.


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Freud » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:58 pm

What do you have to say for yourself?
Why do you do it?
What void is this behaviour filling?
Latent homosexuality coupled with the Oedipus complex

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