Israel Folau - hell awaits you

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Re: Israel Folau - hell awaits you

Post by billy the kid » Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:55 pm

Agree reboot....
Note the mischievous journalism when they reported his riches...
A reporter quoted the Bible "it is harder for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter
the kingdom of heaven..." pretentious and condescending....
Perhaps if fkn journalists want to start quoting the Bible at everyone they should look at "judge not that you be not judged..."
Whats the other one..."cast the beam out of your own eye before casting the mote out of your brothers eye..."
And another...."let he who is innocent cast the first stone..."
How hypocritical is it for journalists to start quoting the Bible when they, themselves make a living
preying on human tragedy and spend all their time creating controversy whenever they can...
As I said earlier I couldnt give a toss about Folau, religion, rugby union or the press...just the verdict...
But the press will get as much yardage out of this as they can....
Scum of the earth....on the same rung as politicians, used car salesmen and real estate agents....
But I digress.....
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Re: Israel Folau - hell awaits you

Post by sprintcyclist » Mon Jun 24, 2019 7:50 am

Good luck Mr Folau.

the media has wronged you.
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Re: Israel Folau - hell awaits you

Post by The Reboot » Mon Jun 24, 2019 11:59 am

The plot thickens.
Israel Folau's campaign shut down by GoFundMe, donors to be refunded

Sacked Wallaby Israel Folau's attempt to crowdfund for his legal action against Rugby Australia has been shut down by GoFundMe, which will refund all money raised to donors.

Folau started a GoFundMe campaign last week, asking people to donate $3 million to fight Rugby Australia, which last month terminated his contract over a series of homophobic social media posts.

A spokesperson for GoFundMe said after a "period of evaluation", the site had ruled Folau's campaign violated its terms of service.

The company said it would not tolerate the promotion of discrimination or exclusion.

"We are absolutely committed to the fight for equality for LGBTIQ+ people and fostering an environment of inclusivity," GoFundMe's Australian regional director Nicola Britton said.

Folau's $4 million contract was terminated by Rugby Australia last month after he made a post on his Instagram page which claimed homosexuals, among other people, would burn in hell.

Rugby Australia chief executive Raelene Castle condemned Folau's public appeal for money at the weekend.

"From our perspective, [GoFundMe] is a place where sick children get support, so it's certainly not a strategy we think is appropriate," Castle said.

Folau said he was asking for support as Rugby Australia would be able to devote "significant resources" to fight him in court.

Some people, including former Wallaby Drew Mitchell, attacked Folau's decision to raise money online, arguing there were more important causes that should be supported.

After being created on June 18, his campaign had raised more than $750,000.

GoFundMe said over $1 million has been donated to hundreds of other campaigns across Australia since Folau launched his appeal for cash.

"Our platform exists to help people help others," Ms Britton said.

"Australians have shown themselves to be among the most kind and generous people in the world.

"We look forward to helping more Australians fundraise for causes they care about in the coming months and years."

When asked about the closure of Folau's fundraiser, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said: "I think that the issue has had enough oxygen."

NSW One Nation MP Mark Latham, who defended Folau in his maiden speech to parliament earlier this year, said GoFundMe's decision was "excessive use of corporate power".

He tweeted: "Lefties scoffed when I said the absence of religious freedom protections would lead to a reign of terror against Christians. In all aspects of the Folau matter, it's easy to see what's happening." ... d/11240354

For fuck's sake. So now they are dictating what people can and cannot raise money for?

Shit like this does not do the rainbow flag wearing fuckwits any favours when it comes to "equality" and "tolerance". I'm starting to despise them and I'm gay..

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Re: Israel Folau - hell awaits you

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jun 24, 2019 12:36 pm

GoFundMe plants flag over Folau as Australia reacts to page being pulled.

The fundraising website flew a rainbow flag in the face of Israel Folau as it removed his GoFundMe page for breaching its terms of service.

Israel Folau only needed to look at the social media accounts of GoFundMe to have an indication of how his cause would be viewed.

Flying next to the fundraising organisation’s handle is the rainbow flag.

So it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when Folau’s online campaign to raise money for his legal fight against Rugby Australia came to a momentary halt on Monday morning.

GoFundMe Australia removed Folau’s page — which had raised more than $750,000 of a $3 million target — and pledged to issue refunds to all of the more than 7000 donors. ... f122f4495c

It's more corporate bullying on behalf of the LBGTQ and the rainbow flag waving loons once again proving that 'equality' and 'tolerance' is the total opposite of what they stand for. Time and time again they prove to be totally intolerant of any viewpoint other than their own and their only answer is to shut down any difference.

They can shove their rainbow flag. It's a symbol of intolerance, feigned victim hood, leftist Marxist agendas and control. It's got nothing to do with being gay or being tolerant of homosexuality.

It's crap like this that will put me squarely back in Folau's corner.

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Re: Israel Folau - hell awaits you

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jun 24, 2019 12:44 pm

Folau's church has been driven underground as well.

I wonder if GoFundMe would do the same thing if it was a muslim posting the same thing in the name of Allah. Would they drown it out with a rainbow flag and drive the adherents of his mosque underground?

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Re: Israel Folau - hell awaits you

Post by sprintcyclist » Mon Jun 24, 2019 12:55 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Mon Jun 24, 2019 12:36 pm
GoFundMe plants flag over Folau as Australia reacts to page being pulled.

The fundraising website flew a rainbow flag in the face of Israel Folau as it removed his GoFundMe page for breaching its terms of service.

Israel Folau only needed to look at the social media accounts of GoFundMe to have an indication of how his cause would be viewed.

Flying next to the fundraising organisation’s handle is the rainbow flag.

So it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when Folau’s online campaign to raise money for his legal fight against Rugby Australia came to a momentary halt on Monday morning.

GoFundMe Australia removed Folau’s page — which had raised more than $750,000 of a $3 million target — and pledged to issue refunds to all of the more than 7000 donors. ... f122f4495c

It's more corporate bullying on behalf of the LBGTQ and the rainbow flag waving loons once again proving that 'equality' and 'tolerance' is the total opposite of what they stand for. Time and time again they prove to be totally intolerant of any viewpoint other than their own and their only answer is to shut down any difference.

They can shove their rainbow flag. It's a symbol of intolerance, feigned victim hood, leftist Marxist agendas and control. It's got nothing to do with being gay or being tolerant of homosexuality.

It's crap like this that will put me squarely back in Folau's corner.

' .......... They can shove their rainbow flag. It's a symbol of intolerance, feigned victim hood, leftist Marxist agendas and control. ..... '

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Re: Israel Folau - hell awaits you

Post by Raven » Mon Jun 24, 2019 2:08 pm

GoFundMe's fine print says the crowdfunding site cannot be used for "campaigns we deem, in our sole discretion, to be in support of, or for the legal defense of alleged crimes associated with hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorism, or intolerance of any kind relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or sex."

That's a bit iffy. It's a termination of a contract not a hate crime.
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Re: Israel Folau - hell awaits you

Post by billy the kid » Mon Jun 24, 2019 2:48 pm

Raven wrote:
Mon Jun 24, 2019 2:08 pm
GoFundMe's fine print says the crowdfunding site cannot be used for "campaigns we deem, in our sole discretion, to be in support of, or for the legal defense of alleged crimes associated with hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorism, or intolerance of any kind relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or sex."

That's a bit iffy. It's a termination of a contract not a hate crime.
If thats an accurate quote, Folaus gofundme page has been erroneously scrapped...
Someone at gofundme needs to go to law school and learn how to interpret their own rules....
Obviously someone using their "discretionary power" has incorrectly interpreted their own fine print...
....probably Boy George..... :rofl ...
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Re: Israel Folau - hell awaits you

Post by Valkie » Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:57 pm

So first the pooftah Qantas boss gets him sacked
The the pooftah supporting rugby league gives him hell.
His fellow footballers are frightened into putting him down and complaining about how he is destroying league.
Now the go fund me shuts him down for some bullshite reason.

They really want him to be an example of never to harass pooftahs don't they?

Amazing how a 3% of the population, who are patiently mentally ill, can dictate how we live.

Aids was not effective enough
They need a better desease to wipe out these mentally ill dead beats.
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Re: Israel Folau - hell awaits you

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:02 pm

Now his website is under constant cyber attack :roll:

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