A Short History of Political Animal

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Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Aussie » Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:30 pm

This is interesting, as it does involve some PA history. This was written by DT on his site a day or so ago it seems and quoted here by Jovial Monk:

Postul8 has made very serious allegations about me on the WWPA. I have notified freediver of my intent to act to have the content removed if he does nothing about it.

Postul8, as Endeesea, did the same on the old PA, at one time posting my residential address. He is dangerous and his account here has been dectivated once I discovered who he was. He is a threat to the safety of members.

This is a warning to members of the the WWPA, not that I care too much, but NDC is a very dangerous net presence. He threatened people at the old PA, including Aussie. Aussie can confirm that. Or ask, if you are a member of D & R, AnimalMother. Endeesea refers to him as EP, Evil Pundit, AM's blog. NDC mercilessly stalked AM all over the forum and the blogosphere.

While I see, reading there, you think he is IQ, I can tell you it is not. IQ was never a member of the old PA.

I post solely as deepthought wherever I go. I am unafraid to stand by my posts and my reputation. Though many lies have been told about me, I do not hide from lies.
It brought this response from postul8, who is a sock of NDC/endeesea:

What an absolute hooter!!!! Did I threaten you, Aussie?? I don't recall that one. Called you names, but then I recall you did likewise to everyone else anyway. That was just PA. As for 'mercilessly' stalking ye, olde Evil Pundit......what an absolute chortle. EP was a moderator. Why would anyone in their right scone stalk a moderator??? At the end of the day it was Shrink that called a halt to my sojourn on PA. EP & I corresponded external to PA a few times and I have a certain empathy for the chap, given his health problems. I certainly wouldn't stalk a fellow sufferer.

Anyway.....long dead history in my view. If revealing who the troll is and stating facts scares him off, if telling others where to go to see for themselves helps, then I stand vindicated. Let me know if you find the references I pointed you to, Aussie. I haven't had time to trawl there yet myself.
Well, yes he did threaten to come up to the Sunshine Coast (from Brisbane, I believe) for a chat. He never did, which is probably a good thing for his welfare.

I can't recall who arrived at PA first, DT or NDC, but they seemed to turn up at about the same time from out of nowhere, just like poltul8/NDC has suddenly turned up here now, out of nowhere. How he got the address is a mystery, unless of course he has been sitting idle, in the wings, for many years.

Well, the pair of them were at each other's throats from day dot, and then, suddenly, overnight they became a pair, taking on PA as a team, a pair of doves cooing at each other. Sounds familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on where I've seen similar cooing elsewhere.

I think they each got the boot from PA at about the same time, but I may be wrong about that. They each got the boot, that is sure.


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Postul8 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:31 pm

well, you might at least get the facts straight, Aussie. PA had the DT's long before I enrolled. My 'booting' was purely on the say-so of Shrink and it's a matter between he & I as to why. Let's say we disagreed. As for threatening you, Cabbie, if you take the idea of someone coming from Bris to the Sunshine Coast to have a chat as some form of threat, then you're a sadder person than I suspected.

On the DT matter, any 'ganging up' between he & I was purely as a result of 'ganging up' by the likes of Cynik, Aussie and Boxy against what they claim to have been a conspiracy to bring them all down. Frankly, any bringing down had already been achieved long before I arrived on the scene. Clearly, given the longevity of that version of PA, it was only the final disintegration which hadn't completed. Oh, and by the by, Aussie, whether I choose to use Postul8, Endeesea, NDC or any other nick is none of your beeswax. You're clearly so paranoid you see 'socks' in every corner. Now I suggest we, as a community, get back to what forums are for. Debate and discussion and leave the personalities for PM's & email.


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Aussie » Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:55 pm

NDC, I have looked at your signature, checked the use of that drug.

I will give you some ground as a result, but, let's be frank, you are a loose cannon, capable of very serious anti-social behaviour, and your recollection of the past is very questionable.

If there is an election, you better hope JM comes second, and that whoever comes first is willing to give you more time here.


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Postul8 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:16 pm

Aussie wrote:NDC, I have looked at your signature, checked the use of that drug.

I will give you some ground as a result, but, let's be frank, you are a loose cannon, capable of very serious anti-social behaviour, and your recollection of the past is very questionable.

If there is an election, you better hope JM comes second, and that whoever comes first is willing to give you more time here.
Oh joy, oh bliss......oh crepe suzette!!!!!! Aussie knows how to use Google. Fuck me, the clues are blatant enough aren't they, Cabbie? Are you sure & certain I'm using? If so, how? Why would I advertise if I were? Wouldn't I want to hide drug use? Christ almighty you're a sanctimonious arsehole!!! Don't so me any favours, okay? I can and will stand on my own without any assistance from pricks like you.


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Aussie » Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:28 pm

Postul8 wrote:
Aussie wrote:NDC, I have looked at your signature, checked the use of that drug.

I will give you some ground as a result, but, let's be frank, you are a loose cannon, capable of very serious anti-social behaviour, and your recollection of the past is very questionable.

If there is an election, you better hope JM comes second, and that whoever comes first is willing to give you more time here.
Oh joy, oh bliss......oh crepe suzette!!!!!! Aussie knows how to use Google. Fuck me, the clues are blatant enough aren't they, Cabbie? Are you sure & certain I'm using? If so, how? Why would I advertise if I were? Wouldn't I want to hide drug use? Christ almighty you're a sanctimonious arsehole!!! Don't so me any favours, okay? I can and will stand on my own without any assistance from pricks like you.

Yeah, that is why, out of all the signatures on this Planet (do you like mine?) you chose to post the chemical description a drug which is meant to be prescribed for people who who need serious help.

Or, am I to understand that, despite the obvious indications in your signature, and despite a post in sympathy with AM's alleged depression, you have a clean bill of health?


Behave, or you are history here, again.


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Postul8 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:43 pm

Aussie wrote:
Yeah, that is why, out of all the signatures on this Planet (do you like mine?) you chose to post the chemical description a drug which is meant to be prescribed for people who who need serious help.

Or, am I to understand that, despite the obvious indications in your signature, and despite a post in sympathy with AM's alleged depression, you have a clean bill of health?


Behave, or you are history here, again.
You're displaying a serious lack of understanding, not only of human nature, but also of medicine, genetics, chemistry and cognitive behaviour. In other words, you've not changed one iota from the taxi driver I used to rag off a few years ago. I thought perhaps you'd have changed, matured, even mellowed, but no. You're still as easy to deal with as you ever were. Oh, by the by.....EP doesn't suffer depression, he suffers what's known as xx, verging on xx. Yes indeed, I have an empathy with him. I will still never agree with him on ideology nor hope to stoop to his level on debate, but I understand where he's been. Perhaps you should go there and look back at yourself.

Don't pretend to threaten me, little man. You're no challenge, never were, never will be.


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Aussie » Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:53 pm

I was going to reply in detail, and I was going to rise to AM's defence, but I'll settle for............

Why are you taking that very potent drug, NDC? How long have you been taking it?


Give me a respectful reply, and you might gain some respect in return.


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Postul8 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:16 pm

I didn't say I'm taking anything Cabbie. You read a forum sig bar and formed an opinion. I'll leave you with it :lol:


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Aussie » Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:24 pm

That would not explain why your signature is:
If ignorance is bliss, then C17H17NCl2•HCl is serenity____


Re: A History of Political Animal

Post by Postul8 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:37 pm

Could it be that I'm chain-jerking, perhaps???? :lol:

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