Holgate brewery Hoppinator “Double IPA” this is what the brewery says about its bilgewater:
The Holgate Hopinator takes the original concept of an India Pale Ale to the extreme with a higher gravity to balance an outrageous continuous hopping schedule. Guaranteed to challenge your taste buds and take your breath away, the Hopinator has rich and malty caramel tastes up front, a dense hop aroma, and a bitter hop kick at the back of the palate. Go on, give it a try - if you dare!
7% alcohol is NOTHING special for a IPA (India Pale Ale, google it) that had more alkyhaul to protect the beer on its journey to India, Sith Efrica, Oz, kiwi and even the US. Fuckall hop aroma too
The Burton brewers who brewed IPA would be turning in their graves at the thought of caramal (crystal) malts being used, color being added, to an IPA! IPAs were fucking PALE! They were also well attenuated (dry) because an underattenuated ale in wooden barrels would end up with the barrels BLOWING UP! The bitterness of this 6 month old ale was nothing special, more than is usual in commercial beers but certainly not bitter enough for something calling itself an IPA let alone ditchwater calling itself Double IPA! The beer poured almost dark enough for a porter! Hey you idiot brewers, the P in IPA stands for Pale!
An overhopped beer left to age gets a really rich flavor as the bitterness in the hops gradually changes into flavoring compounds. I detected none of that, the homebrew tyros making this stuff must have used hop extracts or other shitful product
The stuff about attenuation means that any fermentable wort sugars had been fully fermented out before the stuff was loaded into barrels and sent via canal to the port of Hull. Fermentation means CO2 is emitted.
A few years back I brewed an IPA. I used very pale malt and there were so many whole hops in the kettle that when the wort had been drained out I spent 5 minutes looking at and grinning at the spent hops filling about 1/3 of the kettle. Forget HM hops I used but it was like a half green besser (cinder) block that went into the kettle. OG was 1084 that normally would ferment down to about 1021. I mashed in far too hot but by bulk ageing my IPA got it down to 1019 final gravity. That was an IPA. This Holgate liquid is alcoholic ditchwater. Disappointing!