Only fools and idiots believe any of the rubbish this parasite proposes in his book of lies.
But he is not letting his free pass to free everything go easy, but it makes him look even worse.
Send him home or put him in gaol.
Bruce Pascoe has a go, but isn’t really helping himself
I’VE called Professor Bruce Pascoe a fake Aborigine pushing a fake history, so I should tell you when he finally writes some response.
Pascoe last weekend wrote a long piece in the Nine newspapers that still doesn’t explain why genealogical records show he has not one Aboriginal ancestor.
Instead, he tries to respond to an attack from anthropologist Peter Sutton and archaeologist Keryn Walshe, who confirmed Pascoe’s Dark Emu is garbage.
Dark Emu, now taught in schools, claims Aborigines were “farmers” living in “towns” of “1000 people”, although no trace of such towns exist.
But Pascoe now backpedals. He no longer insists on calling Aborigines farmers: “I don’t really care what it is called as long as Australians are allowed to know that Aboriginal people sometimes lived in houses and villages, (and) often employed technology to harvest food …”
Wait. Now Aborigines just used to “harvest food”? That’s part of hunting and gathering. To turn Aborigines into farmers, Pascoe must show they planted then harvested.
He’s talked of Aborigines “sowing seed”, but won’t admit what Sutton has shown – that Aborigines had fertility ceremonies where seeds were thrown, not planted.