Foster care vs. Adoption

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Foster care vs. Adoption

Post by boxy » Tue May 14, 2013 1:52 pm

Some Aboriginal advocates say they are "absolutely horrified" by a Northern Territory Government proposal to put Aboriginal children up for adoption if they are victims of extreme neglect.

Chief Minister Adam Giles has advocated the plan for the adoption of Indigenous children on a case-by-case basis.

Deputy Chief Minister Dave Tollner backs the plan, saying children are often moved from one foster carer to the next without giving them the chance of living with an adoptive family.

"It's a frustrating thing when you see parents who will never have the capacity to care for a child ... for a whole range of reasons, alcohol abuse, domestic violence, all of that," he said.

He says he has seen first-hand the concerns that stop authorities from removing a child from a family due to fears about creating another Stolen Generation.

"We seem to think it's okay to put that child into foster care, time after time, after time, after time," he said.

"There are decent, loving people out there who want to adopt, who will raise that child in a loving environment.

"I think it's a terrible blight on our society that there are these sacred cows that we can't go near."
I see no problem with this, if it's confined to "extreme neglect", and not just confined to Aboriginal children in danger. Some people just shouldn't be parents, and they're usually not smart enough to be able to understand it themselves, or stop it from happening.

Loving a kid takes more than just being willing to "fight the evil authorities" once you've already failed them in so many other ways :evil:
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."


Re: Foster care vs. Adoption

Post by Jovial_Monk » Tue May 14, 2013 1:56 pm

Could easily become Stolen Generations 2.

Cvnts dispensed with the Do Not Drink register (or whatever it was called) so there is more drunkenness and now they want to remove the kids? And, indeed, why only aboriginal kids?

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Black Orchid
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Re: Foster care vs. Adoption

Post by Black Orchid » Tue May 14, 2013 2:41 pm

People are more likely to care about the child and what they are doing if they go through the process of adoption. It's involved. Many foster carers do it just for the money.

Any child in extreme danger should be removed, black or white. Unfortunately the system fails too many who should have been removed and weren't.

Leaving any child in a situation of extreme danger is negligent and dangerous. Leaving black children in situations of extreme danger because they are fearful of a "Stolen Generation Mark 2" is negligent, dangerous and stupid.

It's the childrens' welfare that should be the main concern not the potential backlash from a minority of politically correct idiots.

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