Iowa Hiho!

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AiA in Atlanta
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Re: Iowa Hiho!

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:04 am

It's not over for Huntsman. Down, maybe, but not out.

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Re: Iowa Hiho!

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:55 am

Santorum's wife had a "medically induced miscarriage" (read abortion) yet he doesn't want to allow other women that same luxury. This is the same politician who lost his Senate seat over the fight to keep a woman on life support after her husband told the doctor to pull the plug.

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Re: Iowa Hiho!

Post by Mattus » Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:19 pm

Newt's super PAC is loading Obama's ammunition for him. (30 minute "documentary").
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Re: Iowa Hiho!

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:11 am

Mattus wrote:Newt's super PAC is loading Obama's ammunition for him. (30 minute "documentary").
Both Romney and Huntsman have billionaire fathers. Newt has been recently adopted by a billionaire father.

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Re: Iowa Hiho!

Post by Mattus » Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:24 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:Both Romney and Huntsman have billionaire fathers. Newt has been recently adopted by a billionaire father.
Perry has pissed off his money by jumping on board the "Vulture Capitalist" bandwagon. Wynn and some other big southern money have moved to Romney's camp. This obviously means Perry's done for this election, with enough of his backers going to Romney that should see Mitt come out on top in S.C. Gingrich is up to the elbows in the Bain smear campaign too and, billionairre mac-daddy or not, he's going to fuck himself (also up to the elbow). Hunty and Paul are smart enough to be distancing themselves, and even defending Romney against the Bain attacks. Batshit crazy they may be, but they know what money smells like.

Romney has also just about sewn up Florida too, before the campaign really gets under way there. Florida's a big deal, lots of delegates, a swing state with a tonne of electoral college votes associated with it. It's going to take more than a 30 minute mockumentrary on Bain Capital to stop him now.

Mitt's actually handling the negative campaign against him quite well (nothing like his old man in that respect), and I think is going to translate his time as a corporate pirate at Bain into a positive for his republican nomination at least. It will be the major weakness come November in the swing states with high unemployment if Obama can portray Romney as a fatcat who closed their mill, etc.
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Re: Iowa Hiho!

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:16 am

Some like to call Romney the "white Obama." True to some extent but Obama is a self-made man. Romney is not.

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Re: Iowa Hiho!

Post by Mattus » Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:48 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:Some like to call Romney the "white Obama." True to some extent but Obama is a self-made man. Romney is not.
The attack from the left by Gingrich and Cowboy Chucklehead over Bain Capital has done what Romney could never do, distinguish him as the conservative candidate. They should have stuck to their guns over Romneycare and his pro-choice soundbytes going into SC. This would have made the "white obama" label stick a little more.
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The Artist formerly known as Sappho

Re: Iowa Hiho!

Post by The Artist formerly known as Sappho » Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:20 pm

Super Nova wrote:At is always interesting that the US election get so much coverage OS while when I am in the US I have rarely seen anything about any other countries elections.
Indeed, it is a classic example of 'wagging the dog' that world media give credence and the sheeple follow as tho a star of Bethlehem that will lead them to yet another messiah... with a used by date.

Meanwhile, local politics goes on unreported or hidden in between the images and hoopla.

Riddle me this... what has the smear and jeer of nominations for presidential candidacy got to do with Australia and Australian politics aside from nothing?

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Re: Iowa Hiho!

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:53 am

So...despite Wile's ignorance of PA past and my ignorance of American politics....

As far as I can tell Obama is gawn, so who will be the next leader of the free world?
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Re: Iowa Hiho!

Post by Mattus » Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:00 am

I wouldn't write him off just yet. Campaign-Obama is an impressive beast, nothing like this timid president. Once campaign-Obama takes to the stand you'll see a turn around in the polls. He has a lot to run on, the moderates will like the fact hat he personally shot bin laden and dumped his body at sea, while the extreme left will dedicate a whisky sour in his honor for tedicare, and the extreme right? Well, haters gonna hate.

As for the gop candidate, unless the evangelicals can pick a guy to back, it,s going to be an old money venture capitalist from massachusetts. A rich guys candidate.
"I may be the first man to put a testicle in Germaine Greer's mouth"

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