Thugs at footy matches

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Black Orchid
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Thugs at footy matches

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:02 pm

TWO men were brutally assaulted by a trio of thugs, including a Richmond supporter, after last night’s footy final at the MCG.

The thugs unleashed a brutal assault on two men, 61 and 45, as they walked along Wellington Parade, East Melbourne shortly after midnight.

Footage captured by witnesses shows the 61-year-old victim being kicked to the head before being pinned down and repeatedly punched by a man wearing a Richmond beanie.

His co-attacker joins in the beating, punching the defenceless victim several times as he squirms beneath the Richmond supporter.

Another clip shows one man backing away with his hands up in surrender as the other two attackers circle in on him.

He is later seen being punched on the ground next to his bloodied mate.

Victoria Police Commander Tim Hansen said the attack was one of the worst he’d seen in his policing career.

“The victim has been severely assaulted … it came out of no where,” he said on 3AW.

“I have seen some pretty significant stuff in my years on the job and this is right up there as far as brutality goes.

“Everything you don’t want to see in a fight occurred in this brawl.”

Police believe the attack unfolded after a verbal altercation between the groups.

The 61-year-old man from Rosebud was taken to hospital with serious facial injuries.

His friend, 45, from Mount Evelyn, has a suspected broken arm.

The trio of thugs fled on foot and were last seen running towards Clarendon Street and the Fitzroy Gardens.

Witnesses captured the horrific assault on video, which has been released by police hunting the offenders.

It also shows a man coming to the aid of the victims. ... 18893eaab5

So ... almost a full minute of brutal footage and not one person goes to the aid of the old man? Why are people nowadays, in this age of technology, so disassociated that they would rather stand around and film something on their phone rather than step up and help the victim?

It's disgusting and I am ashamed. Aren't footy matches full of thousands of virile male spectators? Yet no-one helps?

Apparently someone eventually did step in to try to help but not soon enough!

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Black Orchid
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Re: Thugs at footy matches

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:28 pm

A few years ago I was coming home late from work and walking through Town Hall Square when I came upon 4 women attacking a young asian girl. They wanted her purse. 1 had the girl's hair and was trying to rip it out at the roots while the other 3 attackers were punching and kicking her to the ground and trying to drag the handbag out of her hand. When she was on the ground they were all throwing punches and kicks whilst trying to drag the handbag away.

It took me awhile to get level with them as the arcade is longish and this was happening on the bend in the middle so while I am getting closer to this vicious fight half a dozen men passed by and did NOT stop. NOT ONE OF THEM STOPPED! They walked past with craned necks having a good old look but not one of them did a thing. Any one of these half dozen men could have stopped this before I even got close.

As I came upon them I started yelling at them and grabbed the asian girl trying to pull her out of their clutches. Because there WERE other people around (all men) and even though they weren't doing a thing except gawking that was enough to scatter the attackers and they ran off.

If any of them were taking pics from their phones I would have knocked them out of their hands and smashed them :mad

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