The greatest conspiracy in history:

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The greatest conspiracy in history:

Post by Bobby » Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:29 pm

Jan 6th was all set up by the FBI, the DHS and the CIA -
they had 100s of agents there smashing windows and doors and
encouraging people to go inside the Capitol building -
it was a false flag event blamed on Trump.
It will come out when our dear leader is elected and
he gets a few agents to squeal on their mates for a lighter sentence for treason.
They must be shaking in their boots as they face the largest trial for treason in US history.
100s - if not 1000s of them are involved - all traitors.
The conspiracy is so large that no human mind can fully comprehend it.

see here: ... 9ebcc60dc8

How the January 6 Capitol Riots Were an FBI Entrapment Operation
Counter Signal

Jan 7, 2024
“The FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that it lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers.”

FBI infiltration goes both left and right.

In the summer of 2020, the FBI paid their informant Michael Adam Windecker $20,000 to infiltrate left wing activist groups and instigate violence with the purpose of polarizing the activists in the eyes of the public. He would offer to provide firearms to use against police, and even to bomb buildings with the hopes of entrapping activists.

The Feds

According to an FBI agent, the bureau didn’t want surveillance footage released because it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside the Capitol. When it was eventually released, faces were blurred. [41]

According to the former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund, the FBI had “at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd”, and the DHS “an estimated 20”. And while that’s all you need to instigate a crowd, these numbers are only of official undercover agents, not counting assets/informants. An official number by either the FBI or DHS has not been released. [11]

A court document mentions “at least 20 FBI and ATF assets”. [45]

The DHS also has around 300 former and current members inside the Oath Keepers, a militia group that participated in the protests. [42]

The Police was complicit in the breaching of the gates, as videos show them opening up barricades and even leading protesters into the Capitol. You can view the videos cited.

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