The facts are
1 went to war based on a lie , US intelligence is not that fucken stupid
2 Hung a legitimate leader of a sovereign state who posed no real danger to world security and did a fantastic job of providing security for its citizens
3 Installed a regime that caused a civil war and gave rise to Islamic State and other ramshackle organisations that have gone full retard on one another
The US has created a shitfight of epic proportions Trump may just the man to restore some prestige to the country, he is doing well so far.
Only a bloody airsoft warrior like our resident moron could find any degree of success in the last 15 years of US foreign policy.
The United States has the greatest military machine the world has ever seen and no idea on how to wield it.
They show a degree of tactical ability but strategically they are no better than Somali street kids
They have all these Military personnel (who couldn't get a job at MACCAS) so they "join the Military" .... then they sit around on their arses UNTIL there is ANOTHER WAR.
Meanwhile, when they get a "FREE WEEKEND" these young men, go around shooting, stabbing, strangling girls. They are hyped up to "go to war", then they can't.
Black Orchid wrote:Apparently the lines of communication are open but I won't hold my breath. Fat Kimmy is stark raving crazy and never to be trusted.
Every day is getting closer to war.
Well Fat Kimmy does need putting in his place but if that does eventuate, and I think it will, I also think it will be fast, furious and as 'clean' as any war ever can be.