Married at First Sight

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Re: Married at First Sight

Post by cods » Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:17 pm

sprintcyclist wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:37 pm
I am loving it

lol... its hard to pick whos worse the men or the women.....they all look worse for wear...

and the dresses some nearly wear the camera guys must be beside themselves....hahaha...and then theres the make up..

i find it hard to recognise the ladies when they wake up..without their face on..lololol...

how anyone can take it seriously I dont know!

when the experts come on with their grim faces it gets even could they get it so wrong.. year after year....

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Re: Married at First Sight

Post by cods » Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:15 pm

well just taken my second look.. honeymoons over its now the big dinner where they all meet for the first time...
Elizabeth arrives alone.... who does that???>>>

a bride who is left within 24 hours so bridegroom can go to the funeral of his ex partners mother who died in NZ.... whoooooooo!

I am now convinced Sam had emergencies set up if he found himself with...!!!!!!!!!....anyway

he is gone for 5 days.....

not only that not one word from him to his bride of a few hours... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: in all that time....

he is a monster...rude and arrogant...he finally apologises and hes forgiven....

#@$%!*&^%$....what is it about women do they really want to be hoodwinked?........

seriously we are sitting targets.....any wonder blokes are mongrels.... and no I am not talking about the wonderful examples we have at PA>. ;)

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Black Orchid
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Re: Married at First Sight

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:30 pm

Glad I don't watch it :rofl

I wonder how much they are paid? No-one in their right mind would do a show like that.

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Re: Married at First Sight

Post by cods » Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:37 pm

all who appear on reality shows get paid.....thats for they get all that travel and dinners and accommodation not a bad gig...

so many are pretty fake though....I am waiting for the day they say only women with short hair need apply.....and no boobs wouldnt go amiss either..

they must have a tacky dress shop on stand by with no taste at all.. aka.. Kimmy Cardigan..

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Re: Married at First Sight

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:43 pm

There was another stupid show on where couples having trouble in their relationship swapped partners. How can that possibly help? :shock:

I didn't watch that show either.

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Re: Married at First Sight

Post by cods » Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:28 pm

it can be interesting though you see the selfishness of the sexes.. for instance all the females want things THEIR WAY....if they are getting their own way everything is fine...

the blokes on the other hand dont seem to take ownership of what they do or dont do...
Sam is a douche bag hes got the looks and that gives him the power to treat women like as if hes brushing dandruff off his shoulders....he will always end up with a female..[cringe] at his beck and call....while hes still got it of course....

more fool women of course but then they dont know what other girl friends have put up want to be a doormat thats your problem...

I have a sister in law who was like that..

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Re: Married at First Sight

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:34 pm

That's why they stoop to being on shows like this. No-one else wants them lol.

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Re: Married at First Sight

Post by cods » Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:40 pm

most of the guys are really good looking well built.....why are they on this show I ask myself????....

apart from Sam they seem pretty reasonable....

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Re: Married at First Sight

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:43 pm

cods wrote:
Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:40 pm
most of the guys are really good looking well built.....why are they on this show I ask myself????....

apart from Sam they seem pretty reasonable....
Maybe they are on their best behaviour for the camera. A bit like Justin on Celebrity? As the going gets tougher he completely loses it.

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Re: Married at First Sight

Post by sprintcyclist » Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:00 pm

some of the couples seem intended mismatches.
some people they choose are not really nice people.

Are they chosen for ratings values?
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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