Our colleagues at mrc-tv sent us this disturbing news video story about the Labour government of Australian PM Prime Minister Julia Gillard's funding Muslim outreach officers for municipalities Down under. This benighted program has been promoted by the minority Labor government’s Attorney-General, Robert McClelland as one means of blunting radical Muslim extremists and informing Anglo-Aussies about ‘the real’ religion of peace, Islam. What it appears to be doing is spreading Sharia using government funding. In this episode the annual salary of one Australian municipality Muslim outreach officer is $66,000 A dollars. Other municipalities have become dhimmified to the point that one municipal swimming pool complex had to purchase an expensive curtain in excess of $50,000 to allow for sharia compliant segregation of men and women. The members of the counter-Jihadist Q Society of Australia interviewed in this mrc-tv video object to the government program on several grounds, especially giving preference to a religious faith over others, as only Islam outreach is funded. No other faiths are funded in this manner nor presumably need to be. The Australian program amounts to a subsidized Da’wa (call to Islam) effort. This form of official dhimmitude is outrageous and might become an issue in the Canberra Parliament leading to a no confidence vote and a call for new elections for Ms. Gilliard’s minority government. This is something that would not be allowed under the US Constitution, as our First Amendment mandates separation of Church (or Mosque) from State.
Our thanks to the doughty folks of Australia’s Q Society who have made this government funded Muslim outreach program a cause célèbre Down Under.
Watch this mrc-tv video of the Australian news segment below.
http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_di ... g_id/38283