EU confirms Dulard is a fuckwit

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EU confirms Dulard is a fuckwit

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:50 pm ... 67012.html

Acting unilaterally without the big emitters is bad

Well done you labor greens fucktards :roll:
"It has to be seen clearly that there are risks associated to unilateral EU action," the commission says in its draft. "There is a trade-off between climate change policies and competitiveness. Europe cannot act alone in an effort to achieve global decarbonisation," the paper reads.

The commission is particularly worried that EU industry would lose competitiveness in the battle for global markets against companies from other parts of the world as its costs would be higher. EU companies would likely pay higher electricity prices because clean power production would be more expensive, while some would also have to pay for their own CO2 emissions, or face big investments to reduce them
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Re: EU confirms Dulard is a fuckwit

Post by mellie » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:02 pm

Just wait until they have installed their hooked us up to the not-so-smart EU grid, if you think power prices are bad now, if this goes through, then they will soar.

Gillard is in process of meeting their objectives, it's what she was installed to do.

De-sovereigning our country.

Like Rudd, she has designs on being rewarded with a UN seat, that way we may hate her from afar.

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Re: EU confirms Dulard is a fuckwit

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:07 pm

Already there are big problems in England with the increases in power...and the fuckwits here are ready to do the exact same thing here...guess who will be punished the most?

The leftys are nothing but full on c unts without a fucking clue.
You should be ashamed of yourselves...and then fucking shot
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: EU confirms Dulard is a fuckwit

Post by mellie » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:28 pm

IQS, I understand your anger, but this has taken generations of constitutional dismantling, little by little... Gillard didn't achieve this in one term...she simply picked up where her predecessors left off.

If you want to blame someone, blame our happy-go-lucky politically disinterested nation of beach combers.

Honestly, what have we done to secure our sovereignty, this and demand our government be held accountable for it's actions?

I knew when they began changing our media laws the second Greens hit the senate we were in strife... laws which have effectively rendered our press not worth the paper it's printed on, quite literally.

And when people start dismissing the credibility of their press, they detach, ...then spiral even further into ignorance...a state of apathy.

The rate we are going, Gillard wont have to resort to terror tactics, we will happily gift-wrap and hand whats left of us over to global investors as soon as they get off the plane.


If this is not your idea of a lucky country, then some of you had best wise up quickly.

Put simply, we became too complacent.

It was only a matter of time before Europe, the US, China, et al out-grew it's fish bowl this and wanted a larger piece of us.

We need to get back to basics, and start securing our sovereignty...welcome free-trade though be protectionist at the same time. All Labor have done is sell a chunk of us off when ever they needed to jimmy the books.

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