Coalition beats alp everywhere

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Coalition beats alp everywhere

Post by sprintcyclist » Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:41 am

VOTERS have delivered a historic shift to the Coalition, giving Tony Abbott a lead or equal standing on all key electoral issues for the first time after dramatic collapses in Labor's support on the economy, health, education, climate change and even industrial relations.

Labor policies across the board have suffered blows, with record low voter support on the issue of climate change and a near record low on the handling of asylum-seekers.

At a time when the ALP's primary vote has dropped to record lows under Julia Gillard, the government is at its weakest for five or six years on industrial relations, inflation, interest rates, national security, education, the economy and health.

The government faces crucial parliamentary votes this week on its carbon tax and the processing of asylum-seekers.

But the latest Newspoll survey of important electoral issues, conducted exclusively for The Australian last weekend, reveals the Coalition has edged in front of Labor as the party judged better able to handle climate change for the first time on record, 31 per cent to 28 per cent. It also holds a lead on the issue of asylum-seekers of 44 per cent to Labor's 17 per cent -- a slight improvement on Labor's standing last month.

Even Labor's traditional strongholds in health and education have collapsed, with 14-point falls in ALP support in both areas since July last year, and seven-point rises for the Coalition. The Coalition is now even on 37 per cent for "health and Medicare" and virtually even with Labor on education, 35 per cent to 38 per cent.

Labor has lost the lead it has held over the Coalition on industrial relations since the negative impact of John Howard's Work Choices laws, with a 14-point fall to 39 per cent since July last year as the Coalition's support has risen eight points to 35 per cent......... ... 6163455233
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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