War on women

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Jovial Monk

War on women

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon May 30, 2011 9:49 pm

Guess there are still those who want women to concentrate on church, kitchen and kids:
House bans funding of abortion training

War on Women Department of All The Damn Gall abortion reproductive freedom
Sun, 05/29/2011 - 3:58pm — PA_Lady

By a 234-182 vote, the House of Representatives passed an amendment last Wednesday, sponsored by Virginia Foxx (R-NC) that would prohibit teaching hospitals from receiving federal funding if they teach doctors how to perform abortions.

Yes, you read that right. Residents would no longer learn how to "perform abortions," not if their facility wants to continue receiving federal funding for training physicians. The anti-women movement might be forced to concede exceptions for rape, incest, or danger to maternal health, but those can be safely ignored if no one knows how to perform those procedures.

Now, in typical Republican fashion, they've gone and passed this... this ... monstrosity, without considering the larger implications.

Yes, preventing a resident from learning to perform a D&C (dilation and curettage) or D&X (dilation and extraction) means they will not be qualified to perform abortions.

However. It also means that future physicians will not have the training needed to save women's lives in an emergency. To quote a commenter at Pharyngula:

Both of these are common procedures that are used for a number of conditions that have nothing to do with induced abortions. Or even with pregnancy. You could do a D&C to scrape away an abnormal uterine lining that causes a woman to bleed too heavily during menstruation. Or you could do it to obtain a sample for biopsy if you suspect cancer. Or you could use it to remove the placenta in cases of spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. It just so happens that you can also use it to deliberately terminate pregnancy, by removing the fetus. But the procedure itself has any number of other uses, and therefore needs to be taught in med school even if the school has a strict no-abortion policy.

Proving how little they know -- and/or just how little they care -- 234 members of the House voted to ban the teaching of medical procedures that are vital in saving the lives of women who have miscarried, or have complications that endanger their health, or who aren't even pregnant.
http://correntewire.com/house_bans_fund ... n_training

FFS! guess they cannot accept women should have control of their own bodies!

Rainbow Moonlight
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Re: War on women

Post by Rainbow Moonlight » Tue May 31, 2011 7:00 am

Having had two d an c's (for medical reasons) and no abortions I appreciate why it is necessary to train doctors to do D and C's. However, i still don't see why people like you monk think that the life of the foetus should not precede in importance the convenience of the woman who wants an abortion.

Jovial Monk

Re: War on women

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue May 31, 2011 7:59 am

It should be the woman’s right to choose what happens to her body. Or do want to see a vibrant backyard abortion industry flourish again?


Re: War on women

Post by Ethnic » Tue May 31, 2011 8:08 am

I don't believe in abortions but if a woman chooses to have an abortion, for whatever reasons, it should be in the safety of a hospital and not in the uncertainty of someone's basement. Illicit drugs are banned and look how well that is turning out.

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