The Fibs--no new talent, no donations

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Jovial Monk

The Fibs--no new talent, no donations

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon May 04, 2009 12:19 pm,27574,25 ... 21,00.html

According to the Poison Dwarf anyway.

Big Business are unhappy with the Fibs, all these relics of the Howard days still hanging around and some have indicated they will stand again at the next election.

I wonder--the Poison Dwarf didn't say--if Costello is on that list? Should be, Pouty Pete the $weetie is destabilising the Fibs just by being there. You know he will never challenge for the job of Opposition Leader and he is taking up a reasonably safe seat where new blood could and should be introduced. I guess that high paid private industry sinecure never turned up--$weetie did get a couple offers but he would have had to work for fairly ordinary money. Looks like Big Business knew he was crap!

The Cadaver as Ruddock is called is intending to stand again--why?

Anyway, if Attabull can't get these Howard remnants to bugger off quickly the Fibs won't have much dosh to spend in the next election campaign.

White Indigene

Re: The Fibs--no new talent, no donations

Post by White Indigene » Mon May 04, 2009 12:44 pm

Unfortunately, I see it the same way.

Perhaps its too late to say.

Very unfortunate for the Country, of most import.

Jovial Monk

Re: The Fibs--no new talent, no donations

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon May 04, 2009 1:52 pm

Yes, most unfortunate: Labor needs a strong opposition to keep the LAbor govt efficient and accountable for the next 20-30 years :)

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