Wedge politics & the Tampa

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Re: Wedge politics & the Tampa

Post by mantra. » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:20 pm

For a little over a week at the end of August and beginning of September 2001, the plight of the MV Tampa and 433 refugees aboard dominated front pages, news bulletins, and talkback radio. The Howard Government's determination to ensure that no illegal immigrant set foot on Australian soil triggered a sharp upward swing in the polls. This was no accident. The Government's move against the Tampa was a carefully researched and premeditated election gambit intended to peel blue-collar voters away from Labor. The mainstream media largely missed this story even though the Opposition pointed to Howard's use of wedge politics. Had journalists understood this point they may have framed the story differently. The Tampa incident's lesson is that those covering politics need a good understanding of wedge politics and the full arsenal of political marketing methods that now shapes Australian political combat
Yes most thinking people were aware of Howard's little game on this one. He was very clever at manipulating people - a true professional in his fake sincerity. He did a good job though. Many of us after all these years feel a little annoyed that boatloads of ME people - mainly males - are coming to Australia. We rarely hear the stories behind these people who are fleeing from various radical governments and militants. In fact Turnbull's playing wedge politics now wanting the temporary protection visas (TPV) reintroduced. Even his own team are divided on this issue, which says a lot about the suffering caused to desperate people by the previous government.

Most of the people held in detention centres had valid reasons to seek refuge here - if this wasn't the case - they would have been sent back. It was an expensive exercise morally and financially keeping so many people locked up for years to score political points. Most of these detainees were eventually granted residency and the handful sent back didn't stay alive for long.

For all Rudd's faults - he runs a compassionate government. ... /20/203483

Jovial Monk

Re: Wedge politics & the Tampa

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:25 pm

Yes with the TPVs young males went to look for work in suitable countries to send money back to the family at 'home'--to destitute people living a marginal existence in a squalid refugee camp. Without TPVs there can be family reunions etc.

So glad the Rodent got the double boot, a despicable little man!

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Re: Wedge politics & the Tampa

Post by TomB » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:55 pm

The mainstream media largely missed this story even though the Opposition pointed to Howard's use of wedge politics. Had journalists understood this point they may have framed the story differently.

Absolute fucking bollocks. The media is equally culpable with the then government of the flouting of truth in this matter. Chucking kids in the ocean sold papers.
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