So total debt in 2011/12 is about 5% of GDP (not the 50% of many other countries!)LINDSAY TANNER: So, the Opposition is grossly exaggerating these circumstances, Leigh. Let me tell you where the projected debt level will hit in three years time. It will hit exactly the same level that prevailed in 2001/2002 - seven years ago, halfway through the term of the Howard Government. It will hit about 5 per cent of our total economy. The average it costs the developed world is 45 per cent and it's rising rapidly. We are still gonna be one of the lowest debt countries in the world. That level of debt was sustainable and manageable in 2001/2002. It will be sustainable and manageable in 2011/12.
Poor old Joe, see him there confuse budget and current account surpluses/deficits! This is the Shadow Treasurer?JOE HOCKEY: Well, you know, the IMF gives lots of advice. There was someone from the IMF that also said that one of the best stimulus - one of the best stimulants you could have for the economy is tax cuts. The Labor Party conveniently forgot that advice from the IMF. But, you know, the thing is you've got to be cautious about spending money and you've got to be cautious about going into a substantial deficit, because you know what, it's damn hard to get out of it. And the Labor Party has no real experience in getting out of massive deficits, except when Paul Keating said we were becoming a "banana republic" back in the mid-'80s, when the current account deficit blew out, he had to dramatically turn around from being - running a deficit into a surplus. These guys, if our current account completely, you know, disintegrates and we have a massive current account deficit, these guys have no capacity to get the budget back into surplus without a dramatic negative impact right across the Australian community. And I'd just ask Lindsay Tanner the question: what will you do if the current account deficit deteriorates? What action can you take?
So, Labor has experience in getting out of deficits, Paul Keating had to create (budget) surpluses from (budget) deficits, deficits inherited from one of the worst Treasurers this country has had to endure: John 'Rodent' Howard! And Howard fucked the budget during his stint as PM too! Look for my Saul Eslake post in the Sewerpit. One of the ways Howard & Costello rooted the country was running up those HUGE current account deficits, huge current account deficits during a mining boom! Talent!
Above quotes from Lateline: ... 484891.htmLINDSAY TANNER: When Australia was being drowned in money in the mining boom, the question the Australian people were asking was, "What investment are we getting for the future of our kids out of this money?" And the answer was: virtually nothing. Nothing on broadband, no reinvestment in our schools or universities, no investment in our health system. And that's the legacy that Peter Costello and John Howard left this nation. We're now trying to deal with that.