BER...another Labor fuckup

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BER...another Labor fuckup

Post by IQSRLOW » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:16 pm

Chuck this one on top of the burning insulation debacle. Burn baby burn

Some morons still think this was a good idea. Care to comment Rainbow? I think you listed this as one of Rudd/Labors "achievments" :roll: ... 940974.htm
School 'given cash to end BER protest'

The school was given money to rebuild classrooms when it needed new ones. (ABC News: Nic MacBean, file photo)

A Sydney school was given $400,000 in New South Wales Government funds as an inducement to stop its campaign against the Commonwealth school stimulus program, a parliamentary inquiry has been told.

Abbotsford Public School received $2.5 million in federal funds from the Building the Education Revolution (BER) scheme to demolish four classrooms and build four new ones, when it actually needed extra classrooms to cope with growing enrolments.

Abbotsford P and C president Robert Vellar has told the NSW inquiry that children had to be taught in the school corridors while the building work was under way.

Mr Vellar said the school considered sending the money back in protest and mounted a long, public campaign to get better value for money.

But he said $400,000 in State Government funds "mysteriously appeared" in the school's bank account.

Mr Vellar said the funding was an inducement to stop campaigning


Re: BER...another Labor fuckup

Post by punk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:23 pm

gillard is a complete waste of space. krudd was bad but gillard is dangerously incompetent. she said she was the alp policy maker and takes responsibility for all the waste of the BER, then tops krudd to get him out of the way so she can do worse.

Jovial Monk

Re: BER...another Labor fuckup

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:15 pm

A few quibbles here and there but the BER kept tradies etc employed. If you want to talk waste and fuckups tho you have to look at the Howard govt and the $40 Billion dollar Regional Partnerships rort. You may remember it, the Auditor general reported on it during the 2007 election campaign. :D

There was waste everywhere in the Howard govt:

1. Making Kirribilly ready for fulltime occupation by Johnny. About $.5m in 1996 dollars

2. The sheer waste of flying the little turd from Sydney to Canberra practically daily; that is comcars, helicopters, jetplane

3. The sheer waste, cost and inconvenience of keeping a plane ready to fly documents and/or public servants from Canberra to Sydney and back. $2m per year

Let us not forget Tip:
1. Realised currency trading losses. Several billion dollars I believe.

2. Sold our gold bullion at the bottom of the market, god knows what that little episode cost us. Billions of dollars for sure.

3. Privatised Telstra in the worst possible way. We have recently had to pay $11Bn to buy back some of the Telstra infrastructure so a decent network could be installed.

Then there was the Pacific (non)Solution. cost us $1Bn, didn't reduce the number of boat people allowed to settle in Australia at all.

Now if we look at the huge, blatant waste by the Howard/Costello govt we notice one thing. None of this spending had to be done in a hurry, not one cent need have been spent in a hurry, so all that waste, over $100Bn, was completely unnecessary!

If we look at the BER, where a very small amount of waste was involved, haste was very necessary, to prevent the construction industry collapsing in a heap, denting confidence and raising unemployment. It had to be done quick, it was done in schools because building approvals etc didn't have to be obtained. given the set up, the need for speed sure there would be some minor waste and minor waste is all that has been found.

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Re: BER...another Labor fuckup

Post by IQSRLOW » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:19 pm

More excuses and moral equivalence.

How unexpected :lol:

Jovial Monk

Re: BER...another Labor fuckup

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:25 pm

Hmmm let us see.

Tip sold off Commonwealth Serum Laboratories for $2/share. A few weeks later the shares were selling for $20. Incompetence and waste, the hallmark of the Howard/Costello government.


Re: BER...another Labor fuckup

Post by Maxine » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:29 pm

My gosh Chunky Monk, you lay bare a mountain of waste by the former government, my gosh!

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Re: BER...another Labor fuckup

Post by IQSRLOW » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:30 pm

Yer livin in tha past maaaannnn

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jovial Monk

Re: BER...another Labor fuckup

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:48 pm

Hmmm then there is government advertising. $2bn dollars I think.

I think of all that WorkChoices advertising in 2007. Every time they ran an ad Lib support dropped, yet Howard kept on spending, leading people to question whether the Rodent was doing it out of desperation or as a way of rewarding his media buddies.

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Re: BER...another Labor fuckup

Post by IQSRLOW » Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:00 pm

More moral equivalence :lol: :lol: :lol:

Count it monk
$81Bn and climbing

There's never been waste like what the Labor party is doing in the history of Australia

Jovial Monk

Re: BER...another Labor fuckup

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:11 pm

Then there was the $1Bn ripped out of public hospitals, and the continuing health care rebate money going straight into medical insurance companies’ bank accounts. Anyone here that can put a figure to the total waste and mismanagement here? Billions of dolalrs probably. can you imagine the waste and inefficiencies as public hospital funding went up by 8% a year while their workloads went up by 25% a year? Huge!

Compare that to the very small amount of waste in the BER which had to be implemented all over Australia as quickly as possible and there is just no comparison! Schools have new buildings, tradies and their laborers and apprentices have jobs which means they can go and spend money and unemployment never went over 6% which compared to Europe/UK/US/NZ etc is a fucking miracle!

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