Why did ScoMo lose?

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Why did ScoMo lose?

Post by Bobby » Wed May 25, 2022 12:09 am

ScoMo did nothing to pull back the mass Covid hysteria from
premiers such as Daniel Andrews.

He didn't ask the right questions e.g.
how many people are expected to die due to
elective surgery, & tests not being allowed such as:
angiograms for heart analysis and colonoscopies to remove cancers?
Why were whole private hospital wards closed down that were doing those
tests and procedures when there weren't enough Covid patients to justify it?

ScoMo just went along for the ride -
caught up inside the mass hysteria and in our
case in Melbourne the longest and harshest lockdowns in the world
including house arrest and curfews for 5.5 million people.
ScoMo even funded it with printed money and he encouraged it.

People are pissed off with ScoMo and even more with Dirty Dan.
I hope Dan also gets his arse kicked out at the upcoming election.

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