PHON on the move

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Black Orchid
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PHON on the move

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:14 pm

Pauline Hanson's One Nation will contest the 2019 NSW state election, the NSW Electoral Commission confirmed on Wednesday, and the NSW Premier has refused to rule out following her other state Liberal counterparts by brokering a preference deal with the party.

In a filing released on Wednesday, John Schmidt, the state's electoral commissioner, confirmed that One Nation has lodged notice of its intention to run candidates in the state election of March next year.

The move has long worried Liberal party sources, who last year were citing internal polling saying the party stood to lose up to two upper-house seats if One Nation stood in NSW. A Fairfax Reachtel poll last October put the party's NSW primary vote at over 8 per cent, or almost four times that of influential conservative balance-of-power cross-benchers the Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers party.

The NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, refused to say whether she would follow the lead of conservative leaders in states such as WA and strike a preference deal with One Nation, which could threaten to bleed votes from the party's conservative wing. ... 0rfcb.html

I think this is where she can really make a difference and appeal to the people of Sydney who have had enough. It's certainly not racist to be upset about the absolute unbridled mess mass immigration has effected in Sydney.

Then again, Sydney is so lopsided with non English speaking immigrants and refugees this could also go against her.

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Re: PHON on the move

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:02 pm

Good, a party who will do what is best for Australia
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Re: PHON on the move

Post by Rorschach » Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:20 pm

It will never get a chance too.
The Conservative vote is fracturing abd the Coalition is now more Progressive than Conservative under Turnbull and the population is also becoming less Conservative if the SSM vote is anything to go by... only mostly Muslim seats voted against it. Hanson is anti muslim.

Australia is 3/4s the way around the s-bend.
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Black Orchid
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Re: PHON on the move

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:30 pm

Her biggest problem in Sydney will be the massive Muslim and Chinese vote and they will obviously vote against her.

I agree, we are stuffed.

Mistress Nicole

Re: PHON on the move

Post by Mistress Nicole » Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:16 pm

I like Pauline, I really do. But sometimes when she speaks I shudder. She’s got a drawl in her speech that makes her sound stupid.

What we need is a politician to rise up whose going to appeal to the great unwashed, as well as those of a conservative bent who are educated / white collar. And like Trump he/she must be a great orator. Only then will those of us on the right unite behind a leader who can rise up against muz immigration and the LBTIQPYZ alphabet agenda and actually win.

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Re: PHON on the move

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:42 pm

I agree and she makes me shudder too but she is the only person in parliament who has the guts to say what most of us think. Especially those living in Sydney and probably Melbourne. The naysayers come from states/cities that don't suffer the same problems. Unfortunately she hasn't learned to become more eloquent.

Dick Smith would get my vote and I think he would shake them all up.

Mistress Nicole

Re: PHON on the move

Post by Mistress Nicole » Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:44 pm

Black Orchid wrote:I agree and she makes me shudder too but she is the only person in parliament who has the guts to say what most of us think. Especially those living in Sydney and probably Melbourne. The naysayers come from states/cities that don't suffer the same problems. Unfortunately she hasn't learned to become more eloquent.

Dick Smith would get my vote and I think he would shake them all up.
Agreed on both fronts. Dick Smith would be terrific. Has he given any indication he would run?

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Black Orchid
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Re: PHON on the move

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:46 pm

He keeps hedging around the issue and says he won't run but his FairGo campaign is gaining a lot of traction and hopefully will change his mind.

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Re: PHON on the move

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:27 am

She will win about as many seats as she did in her own state election , probably less

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