Evil CFMEU trying to bend little kiddies' minds

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Evil CFMEU trying to bend little kiddies' minds

Post by Juliar » Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:40 am

CFMEU puppet Bill Shorten - The Worst Opposition Leader In History.

One minute we have the CFMEU threatening to rape kids and the next minute we are allowing them into schools to brain wash and indoctrinate kids.

The latest crap from the CFMEU in Queensland and Queensland Education Minister who on any given day makes a box of rocks look intelligent answer to this was:- (the union has promised no actual flags will be flown in schools, only stickers bearing the flag.

“These stickers depicting the Eureka flag are for the personal use of delegates and members, for their cars or personal items,”) In other words do what you like.

‘Seeking to indoctrinate children’
REMY VARGA The Australian7:24AM March 12, 2018

The Eureka Flag being carried at a CFMEU event. Picture: Supplied

Queensland schools will be splashed with propaganda for the militant CFMEU in a plan being slammed as an attempt to “indoctrinate children as militant unionists” as they approach voting age.

In a move criticised as politicising schools, Queensland Teachers Union general secretary Graham Moloney pledged the union would “make sure there are Eureka Stockade flags in every school in Queensland” in solidarity with the building union, according to The Courier-Mail.

The move is in retaliation against the federal construction watchdog, the Australian Building Construction Commission, in January banning union logos that include the Eureka flag from federal construction sites.

Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham has condemned the decision, saying children are at school to learn how to read and write and not to learn how to be protesters.

“I am sure many teachers are embarrassed that their union is more interested in political stunts than children learning to read,” he said.

“Students should be learning about things like Pluto and Pythagoras, not how to run picket lines.

“Of course the events surrounding the Eureka Stockade should be taught as one part of our history but in no way should schools be seeking to indoctrinate children as militant unionists.”

QTU president Kevin Bates ­has doubled down on the decision, saying students were exposed to a variety of views and it was “absolutely ­appropriate” to have those conversations with students, many of whom are approaching voting age. He also said it was up to teachers to decide where and how prominently they would display the flag.

“If there’s any concern from people about a teacher sticking a Eureka flag on the bumper of their car or the front of their diary, that’s the wrong end of the stick in terms of the issues out there,” he said. “Where teachers choose to put those up is a matter for them to think about and act professionally and ethically and we expect they would do that. I don’t believe it’s an issue contrary to our responsibility as educators to make sure young people are exposed to broad range of ideas.’’

He said there were no issues with the union associating itself with the CFMEU, which last year faced allegations some members had threatened to rape the children of non-striking workers.

Queensland State Education Minister Grace Grace says the union has promised no actual flags will be flown in schools, only stickers bearing the flag. “These stickers depicting the Eureka flag are for the personal use of delegates and members, for their cars or personal items,” she said.

https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation ... ad11c5321d

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Re: Evil CFMEU trying to bend little kiddies' minds

Post by sprintcyclist » Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:04 am

It would be better to teach kids self resilience, conflict resolution and art.
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Re: Evil CFMEU trying to bend little kiddies' minds

Post by Juliar » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:46 am

It would be far more useful for the kids as they grow up and try to survive to teach them STEM subjects so they can get a job and function productively.

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Re: Evil CFMEU trying to bend little kiddies' minds

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:04 am

I guess it is all just a progression from bringing 'gender fluidity' nonsense into our schools. Meanwhile our kids are slipping down further and further on the world scale because the core subjects they need to survive into the future are being given less and less relevance.

Parents are the ones who need to get up and fight this before we end up with more and more generations of illiterate kids. We are importing more illiterates than we can cope with as it is. We need to be making up ground in schools and not losing it.

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Re: Evil CFMEU trying to bend little kiddies' minds

Post by The Mechanic » Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:08 am

Juliar wrote:CFMEU puppet Bill Shorten - The Worst Opposition Leader In History.

One minute we have the CFMEU threatening to rape kids and the next minute we are allowing them into schools to brain wash and indoctrinate kids.

The latest crap from the CFMEU in Queensland and Queensland Education Minister who on any given day makes a box of rocks look intelligent answer to this was:- (the union has promised no actual flags will be flown in schools, only stickers bearing the flag.

“These stickers depicting the Eureka flag are for the personal use of delegates and members, for their cars or personal items,”) In other words do what you like.

‘Seeking to indoctrinate children’
REMY VARGA The Australian7:24AM March 12, 2018

The Eureka Flag being carried at a CFMEU event. Picture: Supplied

Queensland schools will be splashed with propaganda for the militant CFMEU in a plan being slammed as an attempt to “indoctrinate children as militant unionists” as they approach voting age.

In a move criticised as politicising schools, Queensland Teachers Union general secretary Graham Moloney pledged the union would “make sure there are Eureka Stockade flags in every school in Queensland” in solidarity with the building union, according to The Courier-Mail.

The move is in retaliation against the federal construction watchdog, the Australian Building Construction Commission, in January banning union logos that include the Eureka flag from federal construction sites.

Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham has condemned the decision, saying children are at school to learn how to read and write and not to learn how to be protesters.

“I am sure many teachers are embarrassed that their union is more interested in political stunts than children learning to read,” he said.

“Students should be learning about things like Pluto and Pythagoras, not how to run picket lines.

“Of course the events surrounding the Eureka Stockade should be taught as one part of our history but in no way should schools be seeking to indoctrinate children as militant unionists.”

QTU president Kevin Bates ­has doubled down on the decision, saying students were exposed to a variety of views and it was “absolutely ­appropriate” to have those conversations with students, many of whom are approaching voting age. He also said it was up to teachers to decide where and how prominently they would display the flag.

“If there’s any concern from people about a teacher sticking a Eureka flag on the bumper of their car or the front of their diary, that’s the wrong end of the stick in terms of the issues out there,” he said. “Where teachers choose to put those up is a matter for them to think about and act professionally and ethically and we expect they would do that. I don’t believe it’s an issue contrary to our responsibility as educators to make sure young people are exposed to broad range of ideas.’’

He said there were no issues with the union associating itself with the CFMEU, which last year faced allegations some members had threatened to rape the children of non-striking workers.

Queensland State Education Minister Grace Grace says the union has promised no actual flags will be flown in schools, only stickers bearing the flag. “These stickers depicting the Eureka flag are for the personal use of delegates and members, for their cars or personal items,” she said.

https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation ... ad11c5321d
for gods sakes...

just leave the bloody children alone to be children...

if its not the fags it the queers..

its the LGBTEOWUVNOVNLKJN trying to get boys into girls toilets..etc

its the leftwit socialists trying to brain wash them on stupid global warming etc/

and now the Thug Unions are trying to get inside of their heads as well...

ffs... just ****off you queers and stay away from our children.. :evil:
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Re: Evil CFMEU trying to bend little kiddies' minds

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:11 am

Agree absolutely. Lucky I don't have school aged children or I would be screaming about all this very loudly.

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Re: Evil CFMEU trying to bend little kiddies' minds

Post by sprintcyclist » Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:48 pm

Juliar wrote:It would be far more useful for the kids as they grow up and try to survive to teach them STEM subjects so they can get a job and function productively.

' ........... teach them STEM subjects ........ ' AND self resilience, conflict resolution and art.
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Evil CFMEU trying to bend little kiddies' minds

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:20 pm

Core subjects?

We have a bunch of illiterate kids out there now who can only spell in abbreviated text format. We don't need Unions in schools unless they are going to make sure that our teachers are up to par.

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Re: Evil CFMEU trying to bend little kiddies' minds

Post by mellie » Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:29 pm

Unions. The worst thing to have happened to this country.

Doesn't surprise me.

Communism under the guise of democracy.
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