Complicated Benefits Question

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Complicated Benefits Question

Post by Neferti » Mon May 08, 2017 9:01 am

Hot off the Press. ;)
Dear Sirs,

I have a very complicated Benefits Question:

Many years ago, I married a widow out of love who had an 18-year-old daughter.

After the wedding, my father, a widower, came to visit a number of times, and he fell in love with my step-daughter.

My father eventually married her without my authorization.
As a result, my step-daughter legally became my step-mother and my father my son-in-law.
My father's wife (also my step-daughter) and my step-mother, gave birth to a son who is my grandchild because I am the husband of my step-daughter's mother.
This boy is also my brother, as the son of my father.

As you can see, my wife became a grandmother, because she is the mother of my father's wife.
Therefore, it appears that I am also my wife's grandchild.
A short time after these events, my wife gave birth to a son, who became my father's brother-in-law, the step-son of my father's wife, and my uncle.
My son is also my step-mother's brother, and through my step-mother, my wife has become a grandmother and I have become my own grandfather.
In light of the above mentioned, I would like to know the following:
Does my son, who is also my uncle, my father's son-in-law, and my step-mother's brother fulfil the requirements for receiving childcare benefits?

Sincerely yours,



Of course you qualify Mohammed, you all do!

We have arranged to start mailing cheques to all of you, just fill in the forms the moment you arrive here in Australia.


Our Sincere Regards,

Bill Shorten & Sarah Hansen-Young
:thumb :rofl

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