Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

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lisa jones
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Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by lisa jones » Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:17 am

Seems it's going ahead despite all the recent media hype.

Obviously.....Trump will have added new provisos to the deal which was originally made with Obama.

Fucking Obama played a shitful role in this saga.

He left a ticking time bomb for Trump...and for Turnbull.

So I can kinda empathize with Trump's reaction.

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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by Wayne » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:24 am

Turnbull and the rest of his lackeys will do what America tells them to do. They buy stuff all from us. we mean stuff all to them, and if we don't lick their boots they can cripple our entire defence force by severely limiting access to technology, spares, knowledge and upgrades. A the very time we need a good diplomat for an Ambassador in the US, we are stuck with the useless Hockey and a insipid foreign minister. We deserve what we get - all bets are off with Trump

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lisa jones
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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by lisa jones » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:30 am

Wayne wrote:Turnbull and the rest of his lackeys will do what America tells them to do. They buy stuff all from us. we mean stuff all to them, and if we don't lick their boots they can cripple our entire defence force by severely limiting access to technology, spares, knowledge and upgrades. A the very time we need a good diplomat for an Ambassador in the US, we are stuck with the useless Hockey and a insipid foreign minister. We deserve what we get - all bets are off with Trump
It's been like that since Federation.

So you can't just blame Turnbull et al.
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lisa jones
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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by lisa jones » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:37 am

One other thing....when the U.S needed help in Vietnam and even more recently in Afghanistan.....who's door did they come knocking on?

Yep.....that's right. The U.S came to AUSTRALIA.


I'm pretty sure Turnbull et al would have reminded Trump of that!

Bottom line? We've got SOME leverage.
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by Wayne » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:40 am

lisa jones wrote:One other thing....when the U.S needed help in Vietnam and even more recently in Afghanistan.....who's door did they come knocking on?

Yep.....that's right. The U.S came to AUSTRALIA.


I'm pretty sure Turnbull et al would have reminded Trump of that!

Bottom line? We've got SOME leverage.

OMG! Now you are trying to rewrite history! Go and look up who said "All the way with LBJ" before licking his boots and sending our troops to a war we had NO need to be involved with. The US didn't knock on any doors - the lacky Australian Coalition Government were sitting on the doormat waiting to service their American Overlords!

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lisa jones
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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by lisa jones » Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:07 am

Wayne wrote:
lisa jones wrote:One other thing....when the U.S needed help in Vietnam and even more recently in Afghanistan.....who's door did they come knocking on?

Yep.....that's right. The U.S came to AUSTRALIA.


I'm pretty sure Turnbull et al would have reminded Trump of that!

Bottom line? We've got SOME leverage.

OMG! Now you are trying to rewrite history! Go and look up who said "All the way with LBJ" before licking his boots and sending our troops to a war we had NO need to be involved with. The US didn't knock on any doors - the lacky Australian Coalition Government were sitting on the doormat waiting to service their American Overlords!

My post stands.

Your blinkers have a name on them. Stupidity.

And you're a VICtim of your own blinded perception of reality.

You don't even realize you're uncapable of comprehending the entire contents of my post.

Why? You stumble because you're blinkered and that happens when your eyes meet certain phrases which resurrect repressed memories that you've never gotten over.

And you've EXISTED.....not lived. Ever since.

My last words to you....VIC :

VICtims are to some extent VOLUNTEERS.

Don't bother coming to PA to volunteer for're tragically busy volunteering as a VICtim.

I'm outta here.

I don't like hanging around VICtims.

I much prefer survivors!
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:53 pm

At least wait until murica drops its zipper before you fall to your knees in anticipation conservatives

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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by Wayne » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:21 pm

lisa jones wrote:
Wayne wrote:Turnbull and the rest of his lackeys will do what America tells them to do. They buy stuff all from us. we mean stuff all to them, and if we don't lick their boots they can cripple our entire defence force by severely limiting access to technology, spares, knowledge and upgrades. A the very time we need a good diplomat for an Ambassador in the US, we are stuck with the useless Hockey and a insipid foreign minister. We deserve what we get - all bets are off with Trump
It's been like that since Federation.

So you can't just blame Turnbull et al.
No it hasn't. This is the first time the US has had a President that is actually not afraid to ruffle feathers. I think it is great! Politicians like we have don't know how to handle him - they don't know what to do when a person like Trumps tells them to go have intercourse with themselves. The ONLY countries Trump has to be "nice" to are Japan and China - between them they hold around 2.5 Trillion dollars of US debt. Of course, if they themselves get out of hand, Trumpy will also tell them where to go. This is a complete new game in world politics - and we as a backwater swamp can do nothing about it. We need the US a lot more than they need us

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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by Wayne » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:23 pm

lisa jones wrote:
Wayne wrote:
lisa jones wrote:One other thing....when the U.S needed help in Vietnam and even more recently in Afghanistan.....who's door did they come knocking on?

Yep.....that's right. The U.S came to AUSTRALIA.


I'm pretty sure Turnbull et al would have reminded Trump of that!

Bottom line? We've got SOME leverage.

OMG! Now you are trying to rewrite history! Go and look up who said "All the way with LBJ" before licking his boots and sending our troops to a war we had NO need to be involved with. The US didn't knock on any doors - the lacky Australian Coalition Government were sitting on the doormat waiting to service their American Overlords!

My post stands.

Your blinkers have a name on them. Stupidity.

And you're a VICtim of your own blinded perception of reality.

You don't even realize you're uncapable of comprehending the entire contents of my post.

Why? You stumble because you're blinkered and that happens when your eyes meet certain phrases which resurrect repressed memories that you've never gotten over.

And you've EXISTED.....not lived. Ever since.

My last words to you....VIC :

VICtims are to some extent VOLUNTEERS.

Don't bother coming to PA to volunteer for're tragically busy volunteering as a VICtim.

I'm outta here.

I don't like hanging around VICtims.

I much prefer survivors!

OMG! Now you are trying to rewrite history! Go and look up who said "All the way with LBJ" before licking his boots and sending our troops to a war we had NO need to be involved with. The US didn't knock on any doors - the lacky Australian Coalition Government were sitting on the doormat waiting to service their American Overlords!

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lisa jones
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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by lisa jones » Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:24 pm

Stuck on rewind eh?

It's're still living in 1975.

No one cares about Vietnam anymore.


That war is O V E R AND the world has changed.

Pity you haven't.

You're stuck like a broken record.

And it's getting boring.

Get over it.
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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