Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

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Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

Post by Juliar » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:01 pm

What are the Indons REALLY up to ?

Indonesia is “offended”, calls off combined exercises—Boo,Hoo!
AMM  05/01/2017

A chaotic rift has rocked Aus­tralia’s strategic relationship with a key neighbour after a shock ­Indonesian decision to suspend all forms of military co-operation between the two countries over an officer’s anger at “offensive” mat­erial at a Perth defence base.

What “offended” a couple of lower level Indonesian army runs, Morning Mail hopes it might have been a reminder of their handiwork toward Australia, see “read more” below.


Strategic rift as Jakarta suspends military ties
Source: News Corp

The Turnbull government is racing to mend relations amid confusion over the extent of the unilateral suspension ahead of joint naval exercises meant to be held next month.

In a dramatic twist last night, Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said Indonesian officers had been “reprimanded” over the ­affair — and he had not been consulted by military officials about the suspension.

“I have just heard about this. Our relationship with Australia is going great. We should not over­react,” Mr Ryacudu told reporters.
“It was all the doings of some lieutenants. They have been reprimanded and punished. Don’t let actions of some low-ranking ­officers affect relations of two countries. That’s not good.”

Malcolm Turnbull has sought to build stronger ties with his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo and continue a slow recovery from a 2013 diplomatic breach over ­reports of Australian spying.President Widodo’s spokesman played down the dispute last night while the country’s Defence Ministry appeared to be taken by surprise by local media reports about the suspension decision.

“This was not a decision of the President,” his spokesman, Johan Budi, told Reuters.A joint Indonesia-Australian training exercise
Indonesian military spokesman Major General Wuryanto had earlier told The Australian that all military co-operation had been suspended, but he said “offensive” training material found at a Perth defence base was just one of the reasons for the decision.

“All forms of military co-oper­ation between the two countries are now suspended and being evaluated. The reason for the suspension is purely technical,” he said.

“There are several issues which need to be perfected.”

Defence Minister Marise Payne confirmed the suspension last night and said an investigation was about to be finalised into concerns expressed by an Indonesian military officer over teaching ­materials and remarks at an army language training facility in ­Australia.

“As a result, some inter­action between the two defence organisations has been postponed until the matter is resolved,” Senator Payne said in a brief statement.

“Co-operation in other areas is continuing.”
A source inside the Indonesian military said the flashpoint incident occurred in November when a Kopassus (Indonesian special forces) instructor came to the Perth base for training.

The officer reportedly felt uneasy at some ­topics discussed in class, which ­allegedly included how the Indonesian military was involved in war crimes and human-rights ­violations in the 1965 killings of communist sympathisers and the murder of ­civilians during Indo­nesia’s occupation of East Timor.

“The officer then complained to the head of the academy,” the source said on condition of ­anonymity. “While at the academy’s head’s office, he found other material which referred to ‘Pan­cagila’ instead of ‘Pancasila’.”

Pancasila is the state’s five ­guiding principles — religion, ­humanity, unity, democracy and social equality — while “gila” is the Indonesian word for “crazy”.
“The officer reported what he saw to his superior,” the source said.

SAS Campbell Barracks at Swanbourne, WA. Picture: Colin Murty

On December 9, the Indo­nesian military wrote a letter to all Indonesian officers in Australia for training and exchange programs telling them to return home and informed all units that co-­operation with Australian military was under evaluation.

On December 29, Indonesian military chief General Gatot Nurmantyo sent another letter, addressed to Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin, informing him of the suspension, which also include co-operation in intelligence-sharing and joint naval patrols.

Air Chief Marshal Binskin, chief of the Australian Defence Force, wrote to General Nur­mant­yo to promise the ­concerns would be addressed ­seriously but there was no comment from the Defence Department last night on the nature of the complaints.

General Wuryanto said the Indonesians were in talks with Australian counterparts to discuss terms for lifting the suspension.

GRAPHIC: Diplomatic flashpoints

Indonesia Institute president Ross Taylor told The Australian last night that Indonesian guests were deeply offended when they walked into a room in the Campbell Barracks in Swanbourne in Perth’s west and saw crude words on a wall.

Read the rest here

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Re: Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

Post by Redneck » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:35 pm

Yeah I am not sure what to draw from the Indos spitting the dummy Juliar!

Are they Lefties or something/

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Re: Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

Post by Rorschach » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:37 pm

Indonesia is an unstable ally that we cannot trust. It has many cultural and political differences to us and government and institutions are corrupt.

Oh and according to the ABC news their suspension of exercises etc has been lifted.
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Re: Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

Post by Super Nova » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:57 pm

Having lived there in Jakarta for 2 years and getting to know some of the goings on and the chance to meet some senior locals through a mutual acquaintance I feel Roach is correct. They are very corrupt and freedom of speech while it has improved since the Suharto downfall (I was there for that) they are still very corrupt. This could either be a knee jerk reaction to someone feeling offended and their daddy is powerful and needs to be seen to be doing something or a ploy for some advantage we cannot see yet.

Either way, if we grovel, expect more tantrums. We have no balls and should say "we no longer agree to play until you pull your head in".
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Re: Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

Post by Rorschach » Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:04 pm

I agree with SN... there should be no grovelling or kowtowing to this bunch.
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Re: Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:18 pm

Should send captain diplomacy Tony over to smooth things over :gup

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Re: Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:20 pm

Redneck wrote:Yeah I am not sure what to draw from the Indos spitting the dummy Juliar!

Are they Lefties or something/
I think there has been a conspiracy in the works for years for the lefties to infiltrate the right and gain traction and, when in a position of power, to make the same :S decisions on both sides.

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Re: Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

Post by cods » Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:48 pm

LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:Should send captain diplomacy Tony over to smooth things over :gup

send Paul Keating hes their mate and sucked up to them something fact I think he crawled up them'

or how about Gillard she also dished out half a bn dollars sucking up to them..I think the Indonesians owe both of them dont they? :mad

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Re: Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

Post by cods » Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:49 pm

I do hope Mals put all their FOREIGN AID on hold...until this is sorted..

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Re: Indonesia rocks boats and Mal in damage control

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:25 pm

It should be put on hold period! At least until we can look after our own.

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