Dept of Immigration has let us down...

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Dept of Immigration has let us down...

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:39 pm

The Department of Immigration has been letting us down for far too long.
We we've had weak Ministers, pathetic governments, and allowed the Prog left too much say in what happens.

Now they are going to make the Citizenship Test harder... God give me strength... I just got 100% its easy. And it will do nothing to solve our problems.

I saw this comment by MAX in the SMH.
21 minutes ago

Look at the Canadian system - or the one pre-Trudeau. It was effective.

Those claiming to be refugees/asylum seekers are assessed. If they fail, they go back to where they came from. If they are deemed to be genuine, they are given 5 year temporary protection visas during which time they are expected to support themselves by working. They have no family reunion rights during that time. If they leave Canada to visit their "fled-from" country during that period, they are denied reentry to Canada. At the end of the five years protection visa, if conditions in their "fled-from" country are deemed safe for their return, their protection visa is not renewed and they are returned to that country. If conditions there are considered to be unsafe, the extent of their integration into the wider community, their English (or French in Quebec and other French speaking provinces) is assessed, their lack of reliance on the welfare systems is assessed. If the results are positive, then they are given permanent residency and after 4+ years they can apply for citizenship if they pass the associated tests.

Australian citizenship is given out too easily to people who have not displayed any degree of integration into the wider Australian society, who do not speak/read/or write even basic English, who have show contempt for the Australian values, ethics, and laws that they, in their Oath, promised to support and/or who happen to be a spin bowler, gymnast etc.

And how come that people claiming to be refugees/asylum seekers who cannot live in their birth country with its birth culture can have dual citizenship of that country as well as Australian citizenship. The fact that they claim such dual nationality indicates that their claims to be refugees/ asylum seekers is/was fraudulent. Therefore, they are not entitled to Australian citizenship and it should be withdrawn.

And why should Australian taxpayers pay the bill for advising, returning, extracting dual citizens who return to the country of their other nationality, break its laws and then demand Australian consular assistance etc? They should be accessing any assistance in the country of their other nationality i.e., the one in which they have broken the law.
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Re: Dept of Immigration has let us down...

Post by cods » Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:55 pm

I have never understood our easy peasy regulations...we ask almost nothing from them..these are people who have not been invited to come here they hand over massive amounts of money to people smugglers.. who tell them god knows what.. and we like leemings follow through with their expectations..all thanks to our open borders which we a mighty many of these folks are on welfare still??.. how come it can go on for years..we know it happens and is costing us a fortune..yet we seem scared to tell them to go home..if we do make a decision to return them it takes years of going through the courts.. we are a joke.

did you see this HUGE.. [?] crowd in Canberra today demand the Manus Island people be brought here....

yes I think there would have been 20 or 30 demanding they come to Canberra funny no one asked me????

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Re: Dept of Immigration has let us down...

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Jan 03, 2017 8:27 pm

I was reading yesterday that the wait for Department of Housing for those in need is at least 15 years and more likely 20 years or longer. First priority is given to refugees which keeps pushing the waiting time up and up and up.

Sure bring them all down from Manus and house them and to Hell with the Aussies who may really may need it and will never get it :roll:

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Re: Dept of Immigration has let us down...

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:19 pm

Immigration should start a full fledged attack on attracting Europeans.
They would readily assimilate and have wealth and knowledge they can bring with them.

It's an opportunity going begging.

Bring on the €10 Euros
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Re: Dept of Immigration has let us down...

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:32 pm

I know of a Scottish lady who owned 2 successful business in Scotland and wanted to expand and come to live here. This was a few years ago. She had tons of money in the bank and she was rejected.

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Re: Dept of Immigration has let us down...

Post by cods » Wed Jan 04, 2017 6:33 am

I had a niece and her builder partner who wanted to come they needed a sponsor plus they had to agree to work and stay in the place of the Govts choosing for 5 years...had to have job lined up of course...but could only come if his skills were needed...

yet gatecrashers walk in and get all sorts of accommodation and I have read where some have been here years and never done a days work....well one the tax man knows about anyway...

plus the sponsor had to agree to pay for them if something happened and they couldnt support pay for their flight too Australia if they returned home within the time allocation...

all of which I agree with.. but on the other hand....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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Re: Dept of Immigration has let us down...

Post by mantra » Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:52 am

The UN needs to be given a huge overhaul. It was formed after WWII because of the plight of the Jews when they became refugees and no-one would take them, but because the world has changed since then, the broadness of the international human rights treaty has to be tightened. Mass migration of refugees can destroy a country. Regardless of the cost of accommodating refugees - we're trying to do the right thing, but in a very inefficient way. If we didn't cater to them to some extent - our reputation would be seriously compromised, although why that's so important to maintain - I have no idea.

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Re: Dept of Immigration has let us down...

Post by cods » Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:22 am

mantra we do take in a number of refugees every year.....we tend to forget about that...they are genuine legal refugees...who has been assessed in another country which sometimes takes years...they have waited their turn to be accepted...and I would like to believe they are for the most part grateful for what other countries have done for them....

in the mean time as has been proved gatecrashers hardly ever appreciate what is done for them... and some just take advantage of everything they can get their hands a growing country I believe we have every right to select who comes here....its our business not people smugglers.

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Re: Dept of Immigration has let us down...

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:20 am

We need to withdraw from the 1951 Refugee Convention if the UN will not amend it.
A good start would be deleting the Non-Refoulement section. Then they would think twice before trying it on.
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Re: Dept of Immigration has let us down...

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:21 pm

As long as they ignore the Elephant in the room and as long as both major parties support Multiculturalism, the problems with immigration will not go away.

As long as we keep voting for parties that support mass migration and Multiculturalism we will never have sensible change and a more cohesive society.

More on the TEST... :roll:
Tougher citizenship test should include less trivia and more on values: Peter Dutton
Fergus Hunter

Peter Dutton's call for the citizenship test to be revamped - with a boosted focus on social integration and Australian values :roll: rather than "trivia" on history and government - has been greeted with scepticism by community groups, who argue that the citizenship process should not risk demonising or unfairly targeting people.

The Immigration Minister said he wants a debate on the test to weed out "a minority who are on a pathway to citizenship that we need to have a closer look at", including people involved in gang activity, crime and terrorism.

Australia should consider changing the citizenship test to focus more on values such as working and educating children, rather than being so trivia based, according to the Immigration Minister.

"We need to see whether people are abiding by Australian laws, whether they are educating their children, if they are able-bodied and of working age, whether or not they are engaged in work or whether they have had a long period of time on welfare," he told Melbourne radio station 3AW.

"At the moment, the test is dictated essentially by questions around Australian trivia, if you like," he said. "And my view is that we could look at a test that would more embrace Australian values."

In the wake of counter-terrorism operations that have seen some recently arrived Australians arrested, Mr Dutton's suggested test would seek to gauge the success of an applicant's integration into Australian society by quizzing them on their employment, children's education, English attainment and criminal record. They just don't get it.... INTEGRATION/YES MULTICULTI/NO... they have to abolish Multiculti if they want INTEGRATION.

Carla Wilshire, chief executive of the Migration Council Australia, greeted Mr Dutton's comments with scepticism. She said there is a continual need for modernisation and improvement of the citizenship testing process but "we need to be careful not to demonise migrants".

"Citizenship and a strong emphasis on belonging has been at heart of Australia's brand of multiculturalism. In considering any changes we need to be careful that we do not lock migrants out of citizenship or create a guest worker society," she told Fairfax Media.

"The statistics show that migrants are less likely to access welfare payments and their children perform at above average academic levels."

Ms Wilshire said Australia did need improved "cultural orientation" for new migrants, with a focus on gender equality and access to justice.

The citizenship test currently asks 20 questions, randomly drawn from a larger pool, covering matters of Australian history, system of government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. The person must get 75 per cent correct.

Applicants are also subjected to a character test, which prevents them attaining citizenship if they have a criminal conviction against their name.

Joe Caputo, chairperson of the Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia, said the organisation would need to see the details of any proposed changes but stressed new immigrants value citizenship dearly as a symbol of belonging and acceptance.

"We must ensure that, in changing the citizenship test, refugees and other vulnerable arrivals to Australia are not unfairly targeted," Mr Caputo told Fairfax Media.

"FECCA believes that an emphasis on civics and citizenship education should be more important than testing in the process of attaining Australian citizenship alongside well-resourced settlement programs."

It has been suggested that a new test would include questions like:

"Have you broken the law?"
"Are your kids enrolled in school?"
"Have you found employment?"
"Is your spouse enrolled in English-language lessons?"

A draft cabinet document obtained by Fairfax Media last year proposed changes to "create stronger controls over access to permanent residency and citizenship" and a renewed citizenship test (and pledge) to "strengthen accountability for commitments made at citizenship conferral".
Honestly, these un-elected, vested interest, advocates should be told to go take a long running jump and don't come back. We need people that want to be Australians not just transplant their previous Nationality/culture here. They need to want to be Australians... If NOT... they can go back HOME!!!
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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