Anyone here know......

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lisa jones
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Anyone here know......

Post by lisa jones » Fri Dec 30, 2016 7:00 am

Why there's 1 rule for parliamentary pensions and another for the aged and disabled?

I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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Re: Anyone here know......

Post by Redneck » Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:46 am

I think it is something to do with them making the rules.

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Re: Anyone here know......

Post by AnaTom » Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:09 am

Also, culturally inappropriate people with no abilities and no care, must be imported and provided for somehow. Hence the strip-back.

Official government policy of give with one hand, take with the other

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Re: Anyone here know......

Post by cods » Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:26 am

they are the keeper of the rules....

in other words they make their own rules....

and we are told that it is the only way we will entice good quality people to run for govt..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I dont know who said that.. but I am sure someone did...I know I didnt make it up.

I am so hoping Bretex works out and Trump doesnt FAIL>..

why? you ask..

because both are a sign of the PEOPLE...saying they have had a gut full...

put up or get out.... simple really.....and its a shame its taken this long...

I dont expect anything to be an easy peasy road...but the more arrogant this lot get... the worse they will get..

come on red be honest.. the left have b een invisible...they have shown us far as I am concerned and from what I read it would be the same crap if they get that really worth us paying all this money.. for better quality??????????????????????...

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Re: Anyone here know......

Post by Redneck » Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:42 am

come on red be honest.. the left have b een invisible...they have shown us far as I am concerned and from what I read it would be the same crap if they get that really worth us paying all this money.. for better quality??????????????????????...
They certainly are invisible just trying to snipe at the governments failures.

Although they did try during the lead up to the last election to show some policy differences to the Libs which was good, the trouble is the Libs behave like they are in opposition and dont take up any good ideas from the opposition and expand on them.

Negative Gearing Reform was a good example, they didnt want a bar of it even though it benefits only a few at the expense of new home buyers. The few are obviously Lib supporters or are involved in that industry and are party donors.

They did take up Super but really ended up watering down the reforms to still allow people to have massive amounts in super and get tax breaks associated with that. Watered down for the same reasons as negative gearing

Both could have had a serious impact on revenue!

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Re: Anyone here know......

Post by cods » Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:47 am

Redneck wrote:
come on red be honest.. the left have b een invisible...they have shown us far as I am concerned and from what I read it would be the same crap if they get that really worth us paying all this money.. for better quality??????????????????????...
The certainly are invisible just trying to snipe at the governments failures.

Although they did try during the lead up to the last election to show some policy differences to the Libs which was good, the trouble is the Libs behave like they are in opposition and dont take up any good ideas from the opposition and expand on them.

Negative Gearing Reform was a good example, they didnt want a bar of it even though it benefits only a few at the expense of new home buyers. The few are obviously Lib supporters or are involved in that industry and are party donors.

They did take up Super but really ended up watering down the reforms to still allow people to have massive amounts in super and get tax breaks associated with that. Watered down for the same reasons as negative gearing

Both could have had a serious impact on revenue!

its good you understand all the economics of it red....supoer will always be a sticking point... to me the govt has far too much say in it...its been set up for every govts advantage to manipulate at will... its wrong.. but what can we do??>.

negative gear.. well my family use it so I cant say anything about it and I had a property a few years back and used it..... so I think its ok...lolol.. bugger thats selfish cods..

have you ever wondered what the would be would be like if we all worked together instead of against??????>.

I was just thinking what if Trump and Putin actually find a way for those two POWERFUL countries to work side by side....

they may even beat could happen...just dreamin I guess.

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Re: Anyone here know......

Post by Redneck » Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:14 am

cods wrote:
Redneck wrote:
come on red be honest.. the left have b een invisible...they have shown us far as I am concerned and from what I read it would be the same crap if they get that really worth us paying all this money.. for better quality??????????????????????...
The certainly are invisible just trying to snipe at the governments failures.

Although they did try during the lead up to the last election to show some policy differences to the Libs which was good, the trouble is the Libs behave like they are in opposition and dont take up any good ideas from the opposition and expand on them.

Negative Gearing Reform was a good example, they didnt want a bar of it even though it benefits only a few at the expense of new home buyers. The few are obviously Lib supporters or are involved in that industry and are party donors.

They did take up Super but really ended up watering down the reforms to still allow people to have massive amounts in super and get tax breaks associated with that. Watered down for the same reasons as negative gearing

Both could have had a serious impact on revenue!

its good you understand all the economics of it red....supoer will always be a sticking point... to me the govt has far too much say in it...its been set up for every govts advantage to manipulate at will... its wrong.. but what can we do??>.

negative gear.. well my family use it so I cant say anything about it and I had a property a few years back and used it..... so I think its ok...lolol.. bugger thats selfish cods..

have you ever wondered what the would be would be like if we all worked together instead of against??????>.

I was just thinking what if Trump and Putin actually find a way for those two POWERFUL countries to work side by side....

they may even beat could happen...just dreamin I guess.
I am sure negative gearing could have been phased out over time or at least watered down without affecting those currently involved in it, (Which was the panic put out by the Libs)

I dont believe its the Builder with one or possibly two investment properties that is the problem, it is the ones with ten or a dozen that are just building up a massive portfolio largely paid for by the taxpayers subsidies. All this is keeping house prices high and it certainly isnt helping the new home buyers trying to get into the market.

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Re: Anyone here know......

Post by cods » Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:33 am

I have to be honest red...I dont care too much about new home buyers... no one helped us...and we had bugger all compared to todays young...

sorry sounds tough but its a fact.. the govt does so much to help young people first home buyers and all that then PML...its never ending...

and still they whine they have nothing .. we were married 12 years before we got our first home..sheets up at the windows for the next 3 years.....see any of them do that today...our little house was 10 sqrs they dont go without today...and everything has to be the latest..and greatest look what they pay for a phone for gods sakes..

I cant feel sorryfor them and I wouldnt ask anyone who has earned his money and spends it on investment to pay for them

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Re: Anyone here know......

Post by Redneck » Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:32 am

cods wrote:I have to be honest red...I dont care too much about new home buyers... no one helped us...and we had bugger all compared to todays young...

sorry sounds tough but its a fact.. the govt does so much to help young people first home buyers and all that then PML...its never ending...

and still they whine they have nothing .. we were married 12 years before we got our first home..sheets up at the windows for the next 3 years.....see any of them do that today...our little house was 10 sqrs they dont go without today...and everything has to be the latest..and greatest look what they pay for a phone for gods sakes..

I cant feel sorryfor them and I wouldnt ask anyone who has earned his money and spends it on investment to pay for them
You are way off the mark there cods compared to 1975 as an example (Based on Feb 2015 article so figures a bit bodgy )


In 1975, the average full time earnings were $7618. Today, it’s almost 10 times more at $72,000. ($72000 in Feb 2015 that is )

HOUSING (based on Feb 2015)

Property is where the really scary figures come out.

In Sydney, the average house cost $28,000 in 1975. Today, it costs $850,194. That’s 30 times as much as it used to be. Your 10-times as much annual earnings isn’t looking too great right now, huh?

Sydney would be even worse now with wages almost stagnant and house prices exploding!

Lets look at now in our area Canberra

Canberra house price median price was probably about that price in 1975 as well , now median price about $500000 that is about 17 times as much yet wages have only risen about 10 times as much. ( those figures are based on last years wages but they have been practicaly stagnant in last twelve months so not far out

So dont kid yourself you had it harder than todays youngsters you are way out! ... ba9365b064

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Black Orchid
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Re: Anyone here know......

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:41 am

Redneck wrote:In Sydney, the average house cost $28,000 in 1975. Today, it costs $850,194. That’s 30 times as much as it used to be. Your 10-times as much annual earnings isn’t looking too great right now, huh?
The median price of a house in Sydney is now $1 Million.

Redneck wrote:So dont kid yourself you had it harder than todays youngsters you are way out!
I cannot, for the life of me, understand how some people can hold this selfish and misguided view. And for those that say that young people now want it all for nothing and just need to go without and save save save simply do not have a clue!

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