protesters climb Parliament House.

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protesters climb Parliament House.

Post by cods » Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:44 am

I would like to question the security mob that are being paid to SECURE our Parliament

two people scale the building and fly a protest banner....

this group are nothing but vandals..

there are ways and means of getting ones message out.. this isnt the way though.

maybe they want to be charged...or maybe they need a job..

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Re: protesters climb Parliament House.

Post by Neferti » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:06 am

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Re: protesters climb Parliament House.

Post by Rorschach » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:13 am

This is the result of letting LW Progressives indoctrinate our youth through the education system... we create morons.
yes they are vandals supergluing themselves to the railing in the public gallery in parliament.

I couldn't even understand what they were chanting from there anyway.

They should all be charged.
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Re: protesters climb Parliament House.

Post by Rorschach » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:49 am

Lauded scholar led angry protest inside parliament
The Australian
December 1, 2016
Sarah Martin
Political reporter

One of the protesters who forced a dramatic shutdown of question time yesterday is a winner of a ­Coalition government scholarship to Indonesia last year.

As the Greens thanked and praised the pro-refugee protesters for their calls to close offshore ­detention centres, Nationals ­leader Barnaby Joyce said the group of about 30 activists “should be out on the farms picking fruit”.

The Whistleblowers, Activists and Citizens Alliance, which claimed responsibility for the vocal demonstration, also staged a rooftop protest at Immigration Minister Peter Dutton’s office last month and disrupted a speech by Malcolm Turnbull at a function in Melbourne in August.

One of the activists, Bridget Harilaou, who screamed when ­security guards tried to remove her from Parliament House, was awarded one of the government’s prestigious New Colombo Plan scholarships last year.

She was also previously a co-convener of ­Sydney University Greens on Campus.

At the time of presenting the awards, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop described the recipients as having “the character to represent Australia with distinction”.

Ms Bishop told The Australian yesterday: “I was shocked and disappointed by the group’s disrupt­ive and disrespectful behaviour within the national parliament.’’

Another protester was activist Samantha Castro, who works with environment charity Friends of the Earth and organised the ­August protest in Melbourne against the Prime Minister.

Kelly Purnell, one of the three people ­arrested for climbing on to the roof of Mr Dutton’s electorate office with a Young Labor official in ­August, was also among the protesters yesterday at Parliament House

It took more than 30 minutes to clear the group, about six of whom had superglued their hands to the leather barrier of the public gallery­. The protest, several weeks in the planning, began with 30 people in the public gallery ­yelling at MPs that they were guilty of the “rape, murder and torture of refug­ees”. Banners were unfurled that read: “You are all complicit. Close the camps now”.

Leader of the House Christopher Pyne said the protest was “the most serious intrusion into the parliament since the riots organised by the ACTU in 1996’’.

Guards had to use hand sanitiser to help peel the protesters’ glued hands off the rail.

The protesters, from the Whistleblowers Activists and Citizens Alliance,
said offshore detention represented a “state of emergency” as asylum seekers continued to be abused.

Activists continue outside of the House of Representatives at Parliament House.

The protesters say “The Australian government is keeping people in concentration camps on Manus Island and Nauru”.

“We came here today to tell the Australian government: stop the madness, close the camps”. the protesters said.

Federal police officers arrived to deal with the situation.

In chaotic scenes described by Leader of the House Christopher Pyne as the most serious intrusion into the parliament since 1996, when an ACTU-led protest saw the doors to the building smashed, security guards and Australian Federal Police tried to drag the protesters out of the gallery.

Coalition MPs, including Mr Turnbull, left the chamber, but Labor MPs remained throughout the protest.

Speaker Tony Smith was forced to suspend question time, saying the “dignity of the house” had been severely compromised.

“Obviously the action I took in suspending sitting was a last ­resort, as members would know and witnessed, I wondered whether we would plough on in the ­extraordinary circumstances and I made a judgment that we could not,” Mr Smith said.

Mr Pyne called for a “thorough investigation” into how the protest was organised, suggesting an MP may have signed the group into Parliament House. “There may well be a trail of where the mis­creants who disrupted the parliament came from,” Mr Pyne said.

The alliance calls itself a “grassroots community alliance that ­educates, advocates, activates and agitates for change from the local to the global level”. It was formed in 2010 in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Bill Shorten criticised the protest­ers for disrupting debate, saying it was an affront to democracy. “The reason why the Labor Party stayed in here today is becaus­e we will never give in to those who wish to shut down this parliament,” he said.

Greens leader Richard Di ­Natale and immigration spokesman Nick McKim later met the protesters to show “solidarity”. Senator Di Natale hugged some of them and thanked them for speaking up for “those poor helpless people”, but denied any role in organis­ing the demonstration.

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young said peaceful protest was “a central part of democracy”.

The protest was followed with a prerecorded video from the ­alliance that was widely shared on social media, describing why it had shut down parliament.

Mr Dutton hit out at the protest­ers, calling them “idiots” and “Greens protesters”. “I think for most Australians, for hardworking taxpayers, they would be pretty angry about these scenes today and rightly so,” he said.

The AFP said no charges had been laid, but inquiries continued.
Well just as I said... and I'd be tempted to cancel her scholarship, I saw her carrying on and screaming when the security guards hadn't even laid a hand on her, I'd also make sure the AFP laid charges for vandalism etc.
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Re: protesters climb Parliament House.

Post by Redneck » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:56 am

It is time a few were brought before the courts in my opinion.

Demonstrate out on the front lawns peaceably but that is the limit in the Parliament House precinct.

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Re: protesters climb Parliament House.

Post by cods » Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:26 am

maybe make them knit blankets for the poor people they are so concerned about..

this is the trouble with these YOUNG folks.. they dont do anything practical
I mean screaming and yelling does no one any favors and all
every one talks about is the demo...

not the reason behind the demo..

mostly young many lesbians I wonder...
this would have cost the taxpayers as these honorable men and women still get paid even
if they are sitting in the Bar until they get rid of the pests. I cant help but feel the Greens have had something to
do with it..these people would not have turned up for FREE..

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Re: protesters climb Parliament House.

Post by Redneck » Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:31 am

I cant help but feel the Greens have had something to
do with it..these people would not have turned up for FREE..
Yes spot on Greens were shown on TV chatting to them afterwards.

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Re: protesters climb Parliament House.

Post by mantra » Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:40 am

They were probably screaming because they had superglued their hands to the railings. Imagine the agony of being yanked off.

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Re: protesters climb Parliament House.

Post by Rorschach » Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:30 pm

No mantra they were screaming because they are immature attention seekers trying to get their way... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: protesters climb Parliament House.

Post by cods » Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:49 pm

mantra wrote:They were probably screaming because they had superglued their hands to the railings. Imagine the agony of being yanked off.

they were not YANKED OFF mantra... come on...its what they would have you believe..

do you realise they are going to make it more and more difficult
for genuine visitors to Parliament house who wish to see democracy in just get in..
for all we know this motley crew could even get visitors banned altogether.

how dangerous was this??.. not to them! to our GOVT MEMBERS>>like the govt of the day or not.... they have control of our
country. they do what is best for us.. I do not want people smugglers. dictating to me .....thank you

these idiots dont happen to care whats best for our country..

for all we know these are professionally paid protesters..

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