Terrorism and Australian politics

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Terrorism and Australian politics

Post by mellie » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:17 pm

Why have we got it so wrong?

because Australia's left- wing political parties (ie, Labor and the Greens) don't believe there are such things as "Terrorists" rather see them as battling under misrepresented minorities supporting socialist ideology and attempting to overcome western capitalist evil.

And our ultra right-wing believe all Muslims are terrorists and think Islam needs to be destroyed as though it were satanism.

We lack a truly moderate party here in Australia.

Is it possible to strike a healthy inbetween that can respect everyone?
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Re: Terrorism and Australian politics

Post by mellie » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:21 pm

Probably not.

Here in Australia it seems you're either one or the other, no inbetween.

In saying all Muslims are evil, is like saying all Christians are innocent.

Throughout the ages, have all Christians been innocent?

Have all Muslims been innocent?
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Re: Terrorism and Australian politics

Post by Super Nova » Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:00 pm

You need to know a few Muslims and lived with them for a while to know that most are just like us. They have their nutters and the weak minded that are brainwashed.

Also, when the majority of the Islamic world are impoverished and many knowing only a life of war/hate they are easy targets to radicalize.
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Re: Terrorism and Australian politics

Post by skippy » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:35 am

Anyone that takes religion too serious is a nutter.
The most vocal about Islam in this country are usually the Jebus God botherers.
Us atheists think all the God botherers are loony.

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Terrorism and Australian politics

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:27 pm

Originally posted in 'Terrorist Attacks in France' thread, but figure it probably fits better here ....
Re: Terrorist attacks in France

Postby Outlaw Yogi » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:18 pm
I'm not an ideologue for anything, other than maybe anarchism lite, so the closest others could probably accurately label me is a libertarian. That's why I don't support the left or right ideologically, materially or even in spirit. But as I've stated previously, public political sentiment is like a pendulum swinging back and forth, and when the political landscape swings too far one way, the public backlash usually swings back to an even greater extreme.

So I'm annoyed with both sides of the political spectrum in this nation, because the Liberal party brought in a heap of migrants who hate us, and the Labor party has given them gravy trains to placate them. Now our govt has a mandate to make us live in a surveillance/police state because bunches of thieving religious psychotics want to make our country conform to their anachronistic perversions.

In case you hadn't noticed the ever increasing Islamist/salafist/jihadi pradigm's intent to generate fear in the democratic Western world is causing the general public to take a hard Right turn, and the result wont just be hatred for Muslims, but malice for the Left.

You may as well kiss the Human Rights Commission, Equal Opportunity Boards, Anti-discrimination Boards, Office for Status of Women, Department of Immigration and Multiculturalism, ect ect goodbye. Because when not if the corporate world collapse comes there will be nothing to stop fascism taking over when govts can no longer afford pumping endless resources into police/security agencies and the judiciary - Hello Robocop /Judge Dred.

While I'm not looking forward to totalitarian fascism, which will probably take quite some time to dissipate or politically crush, I will be glad to see the Human Rights Commission, Equal Opportunity Boards, Anti-discrimination Boards, Office for Status of Women, Department of Immigration and Multiculturalism ect amalgamated into the Department of Frilly Undies (like Department of Silly Walks), for which there will be zero funding.

As for Islam per se? It will be crushed, as will eventually all religions, but in the meantime feel free to walk your pet pig past the local mosque or wipe your arse on pages of the Koran.
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Re: Terrorism and Australian politics

Post by AnaTom » Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:34 am

“Muslims use your own democratic laws and values against you, and they do it successfully while you keep sleeping as if as in a deep coma. This is why the leftists are the people who are worthy of the title ‘useful idiots.’ They are in a perpetual state of shame and self-loathing and will be the first victims of Islam once it takes over.

“Muslims use them as a stick to beat you with, but even they will never ever be accepted as friends to the Muslims after, and they will definitely be their first victims. Leftists, liberals, progressives, Antifa, Code Pink and so on are all appeasers of Islam. Appeasing evil is cowardice. They are fooled people who feed crocodiles, hoping they will eat them last. They are the enemy within your countries.

“Your country is like your house; you expect visitors who come to your house to respect you and respect your rules, not the opposite. Visitors must appreciate your kindness and your generosity for receiving them into your home and not imposing their own rules on you. This is your house, you own it, so you have the obligation to protect it and defend it.

“If the visitor doesn’t like your rules, all he has to do is to leave. Nobody obliged him to visit you, and nobody will prevent him from leaving. As he came to your house by his own choice, he can leave your house freely or by force, if required.”

http://www.israelislamandendtimes.com/b ... wiped-out/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Terrorism and Australian politics

Post by AnaTom » Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:48 am

Here are a couple of good videos that go together; they describe 'peaceful Islam'.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Qpy0mXg8Y" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZiJehMXBpQ" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Terrorism and Australian politics

Post by AnaTom » Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:03 pm

I think the US is had it. I think that Obama has seen to that. If he does not try to seek another term, the reality will be revealed at the end of his presidency. The evidence will reveal a US in decline. Coupled with the reality that the Yuan is now part of the international currency reserve, the US with increasing strictures and massive ‘refugee’ numbers will see itself become weaker. There are plenty in the world that would welcome this. This will mark a decline in the white races. China (an emerging superpower) can then peer at Australia with longing eyes, and know that their chance is looming fast. It remains to be seen whether the UN will hurl more ‘refugees’ to invade us, and whether our capitulating governments will allow the Muslim crisis here, before China has us.

This is where it is all coming from:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PzT8vE ... ture=share" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Terrorism and Australian politics

Post by boxy » Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:35 pm

Such a tuned in international analyst should know that Obama wont be seeking another term.
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Re: Terrorism and Australian politics

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:03 pm

Like it or not, the Islamist/Salafist agenda to impose Islam on everyone as I have stated previously has caused the Western world to take a hard Right turn.
And it's all the Left wing's fault.

For example in OZ Gough Whitlam introduced free tertiary education, which in itself I thought was a good thing, even if most of the pollies now in power who abolished it got their law degrees under this very regime. But the problem is the left wing abused the regime by mass infiltration of the public service and the education sector in particular.
By the mid 80s the left had taken effective control of the teachers unions, and in the late 80s began implementing their social engineering schemes.
Male teachers began leaving in droves because the education departments had a 'promote only women' agenda in place, meaning their was no option for career advancment for males in education. This is why the principals of almost all public schools are now female.

Beginning with Whitlam's free tertiary education in the 70s university participation sky rocketed but many of the new students couldn't cope with the coarse materials so in the late 80s the curricular was simplified (dumbed down) and qualifying thresholds reduced, so that Mugsly and Dingbat could get degrees too.

When I went to uni as a mature aged student at age 41 I was reasonably confident of adequate performance on my part, but never expected to see remedial English and numeracy classes for newbies who'd just done their HSC . I thought "What are these younguns doing in uni if they can't even read and write properly?". Have since read in the Australian that most if not all unis have such remedial classes these days.

5-6 years ago while living and working on a farm I had TV. One night I watched an episode of school kids on Who wants to be a Millionaire. There were 2 girls from my former school - Engadine High - who got to $125k and flunked out because they didn't know Australians served in the Boer War. And the female principal in the audience didn't know either.
So my old school now had fancy uniforms with ties and blazers but no longer taughy history.

Now the Western world including OZ is under attack from within and without by Islam and Right wing fascism is on the march in a widespread public backlash, and our young will become easy targets because they have no historical perspective (modern or ancient) and haven't been taught to read or write properly in order to advance the status of women.

Meanwhile ...

ADF Imam Must Go Following Statement On Paris Terrorist Attack
http://australianlibertyalliance.org.au ... ist-attack
18 November 2015

The Australian Liberty Alliance Senate candidate for Queensland, Bernard Gaynor, says that the Defence Minister, Marise Payne, must dismiss Australian Defence Force imam, Mohammadu Nawas Saleem, if she is serious about national security in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks.

Mohammadu Nawas Saleem is a key member of the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC). ANIC blamed the Paris terrorist attacks on ‘military intervention’ and it has also previously condemned the Australian government for providing military support to Kurdish forces fighting the Islamic State.

ANIC also opposed laws outlawing the advocation of terrorism on the basis that they would infringe the free speech of Islamic preachers.

Mohammadu Nawas Saleem has also called for the implementation of Sharia law into the Australian court system and has defended Hizb ut Tahrir. Last year Hizb ut Tahrir stated that Muslims should not participate in Anzac Day as it represented an attack on the Islamic caliphate.

Mohammadu Nawas Saleem was appointed as the Australian Defence Force’s first imam in June this year and was given the task of providing advice to the military, so that it could increase recruitment from the Islamic community.

“Following the Paris terrorist attacks, it is clear that we are war with Islamist extremists living amongst us,” said Mr Gaynor. “The unfortunate truth is that Australia’s Islamic community has more of its sons fighting for the Islamic State than in the Australian Defence Force.”

“At a time like this we need clarity and we cannot afford to jeopardise national security, or the Australian Defence Force, by relaxing our vigilance. The patriotic Australians who put their lives on the line for this nation deserve to know that we will protect them.”

“Mohammadu Nawas Saleem has views that many would find deeply concerning. They cannot be described as moderate. They are completely counter-productive inside a national security apparatus that is fighting Islamist extremism. His position is untenable.”

“If the Defence Minister will not remove Sheikh Saleem, it will send a message that it she is more concerned about being labelled Islamophobic than dealing with the Islamist threat.”


Media Contact: Mr Bernard Gaynor 0401 446 439 | bernardgaynor@australianliberty.org

Australian Liberty Alliance Ltd (ALA) is a national political party that was registered with the Australian Electoral Commission in July 2015. The organisation is headquartered in Melbourne and is forming local chapters in federal electorates across all states. Membership numbers are growing rapidly. ALA will stand candidates in the 2016 federal elections, followed by local and state elections, to coincide with the growth in membership.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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