UK Leftist Nutter

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UK Leftist Nutter

Post by Super Nova » Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:15 pm

I don't have a problem with some of the left ideology as it has improved the lives of working class people everywhere in the west.

However have you checked out this nutter in the UK Jeremy Corbyn who is now the Labour Opposition Leader. he represents all that could be argued is wrong with extreme leftist leanings.

Now he says: "that he would never use Britain’s nuclear deterrent"

What an idiot. Even if it was true, no-one would want to use it. Kennedy did'nt want to use it... but you don't tell the enemy that you will NEVER use it.

The list of what's wrong with this guy just grows. ... 572627.ece
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Re: UK Leftist Nutter

Post by Neferti » Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:11 pm

What do you call a "working class" person?

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Re: UK Leftist Nutter

Post by Super Nova » Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:43 pm

Neferti~ wrote:What do you call a "working class" person?
In the 40,50, 60 the definition was clear. So I am referring to what was.

yesterdays working class is todays middle class.

However, I consider myself middle class now but work like a slave so I think I am more working class, chained to the treadmill that is debt entrapment .

That didn't help did it :giggle
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Re: UK Leftist Nutter

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:51 pm

Inside every lefty, no matter how moderate they may seem, is a Corbyn just busting to get out and force their fascist ideology upon every citizen.

They secretly agree with every nutbag idea that flows through the sewerage pipe of a leftist mind.
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Re: UK Leftist Nutter

Post by Rorschach » Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:01 pm

The working lass are still working class... primarily blue collar.
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Re: UK Leftist Nutter

Post by Neferti » Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:09 pm

Super Nova wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:What do you call a "working class" person?
In the 40,50, 60 the definition was clear. So I am referring to what was.

yesterdays working class is todays middle class.

However, I consider myself middle class now but work like a slave so I think I am more working class, chained to the treadmill that is debt entrapment .

That didn't help did it :giggle
EVERYONE calls themselves Middle Class. ;)

I am going to cause a stir because I think your "class" does NOT involve what sort of house you live in, or what sort of car you drive or even what sort of education you have and and certainly NOT how much money you have.

When you (if ever) get around to doing your Family History, you will then realise what sort of "class" you came from.

It is a very interesting exercise.

Some of the posh "celeb" POMS found out that their ancestors were criminals, prostitutes and died in the workhouse. No amount of money they earn these days would make them "middle class" in the true sense of the description.

CLASS relates to genetics. A coal miner (back in the old days) may be able to get (via charity) a scholarship for his bright son (females were destined to either marry and have masses of kids, or be a "servant). He would definitely be "working class" or even "low class".

Not that there is anything wrong with that. :mrgreen:

However, calling oneself "middle class" is a misdemeanour. We should, perhaps, class people by how much money they have in the Bank ... not how much they can buy on credit, car they drive, house with the HUGE mortgage and so forth.

Dragging yourself up by your bootstraps does NOT make you Middle Class. Being rich does not make you Middle Class.

Malcolm Turnbull is rich but he is NOT middle class.

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Re: UK Leftist Nutter

Post by Super Nova » Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:59 pm

I know my family history at least for 200 years in Oz.

I don't what you call it and I will be honest.

Lowest hillbilly class would be what I would call it :rofl

When I travel to my home down, the bango duel goes off in my head.
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Re: UK Leftist Nutter

Post by Neferti » Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:12 pm

Super Nova wrote:I know my family history at least for 200 years in Oz.

I don't what you call it and I will be honest.

Lowest hillbilly class would be what I would call it :rofl

When I travel to my home down, the bango duel goes off in my head.
Were they transported for stealing a handkerchief? First Fleeters are famous and somehow cherished and respected by the MalTurnbull Chattering Lot and others. ;)

Mine migrated from Scotland in the 1850s ... they paid their own way .. but they were searching for GOLD in Victoria (and didn't find much).

Our ancestors from Great Britain were the PIONEERS of this wonderful country, Australia. Don't knock it. We took in those who were transported for 7-14 years or so, as our first Australians (the aboriginals were still hiding in the hills)and allowed them to choose a plot of land as their own. How good was that?

Australia finally got going with "immigration" when the 1850s Gold Rush started.

One thing I have often wondered is ... when did the Aussie "accent" come into being? We had all sorts of English and Scottish here way before we got to be "aussies".

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Re: UK Leftist Nutter

Post by skippy » Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:33 pm

Interesting take on this Nef. My Great Grandfather payed his way here from Scotland in 1883 but he was only a Blacksmith. :lol:
But I was doing geneology over the weekend as I've been interested in it for a while. I found that his father was not Born in Scotland as I had always believed but had gone there from Ireland( so I'm just cheap old Irish blood) but I did manage to trace my great great great grandparents wedding to a small town in Ireland where only a couple of months before they were married my GGG grandmother had her silk hanky pinched by a fellow that copped three months gaol for his trouble. I wondered to myself at the time if she was reasonably well off to have owned a silk hankerchief.

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Re: UK Leftist Nutter

Post by skippy » Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:40 pm

Anyway just on the new Labour leader I believe Labour had thousands of new members join up and that is how he got elected so there must be a lot of rank and file workers sick of Torrie light, as the Labour Party in England and here have morphed into.

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