Budgie against Blackbird

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DaS Energy

Budgie against Blackbird

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:44 pm

Blackbird to snow cat. Blackbird caw caw you'll pay, stay away from tree! Budgie trill trill. Blackbird your really gunna pay! Budgie trill trill. Blackbird how do you like that. Budgie trill trill. Blackbird who let the budgie out its cage, its bloody annoying.

"Prime Minister Tony Abbott was on Friday asked whether he would consider any similar measures, such as placing visa restrictions on certain Russian individuals linked to the tensions in Ukraine. 'We're talking to our friends and allies about what should be done to check this blatant aggression by Russia against a neighbour that had done it no harm,' he told reporters in Sydney. 'We'll have more to say in the days ahead." Skye-News 07/03/2014

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