Sochi Olympics

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AiA in Atlanta
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Sochi Olympics

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:12 pm

yes, this IS political ...

heard the cost of the Sochi Winter Games is equal or greater than the cost of all the other previous Olympics together ... and I have heard these games will suck the biggest too. People are suckers for the Olympics: politicians say the expensive infrastructure will create jobs, blah blah blah but usually it just sits ignored after the Games. Time to put an end to this nonsense ...

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Re: Sochi Olympics

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:56 am

Hotel horror stories are coming out of Sochi. Was going to say something like "does socialism really work?" but "oligarchy" might be a better word.

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Re: Sochi Olympics

Post by Chard » Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:31 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:heard the cost of the Sochi Winter Games is equal or greater than the cost of all the other previous Olympics together
The 2008 Beijing games cost $43 billion. The Sochi games are expected to be well into the $50+ range, and unlike Beijing, Sochi isn't expected to turn a profit. The Russians will be paying these games off for the next couple of decades.
AiA in Atlanta wrote: and I have heard these games will suck the biggest too.
Between unfinished hotels/venues and half the events being improperly built (seriously, has the IOC not heard about Russians and their infamous quality control issues?), I'm expecting a free-range clusterfuck to happen any moment. Nevermind terrorists, there's fucking uncovered manholes in the streets by the fucking athlete's quarters without so much as a "watch your step" sign of any kind.

I'm predicting these games being the last time Russia gets to host for a VERY long time.
AiA in Atlanta wrote: politicians say the expensive infrastructure will create jobs, blah blah blah but usually it just sits ignored after the Games. Time to put an end to this nonsense ...
Heh. Yeah, just ask the people of places like Sarajevo Athenes how much use they're getting out of their Olympic stadiums and venues now.

The games are a good thing, friendly competition and all that, but they need to just make a set venue in a neutral country to permanently host this shit in order to remove the political prestige bullshit from the show.
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Re: Sochi Olympics

Post by Chard » Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:30 am

According to Tweets from the press in Sochi, this is already a goatfuck. Some of the pictures are funny as hell. ProTip: Don't drink the water.
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Re: Sochi Olympics

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:55 am

American snowboarding superstar Shaun White dropped out of Slopestyle saying the course is too dangerous. Not sure about Australians Torah Bright and Scotty James. They may want to stay in despite the dangers because if White had of stayed in he would have taken the Gold. Now they have a chance. I imagine White was thinking about his larger career in his decision to drop out rather than just the Gold medal.

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Re: Sochi Olympics

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:50 am


Most Olympic cities, including Sydney, are left with White Elephants when the *circus* leaves town. Munich, Sarajevo, Athens, Beijing ... Atlanta came out okay. Montreal was the biggest disaster of all leaving tax payers with a bill so large it was only paid off a few years ago. L.A, out pretty well as well. Not sure about London.

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Re: Sochi Olympics

Post by Neferti » Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:58 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:American snowboarding superstar Shaun White dropped out of Slopestyle saying the course is too dangerous. Not sure about Australians Torah Bright and Scotty James. They may want to stay in despite the dangers because if White had of stayed in he would have taken the Gold. Now they have a chance. I imagine White was thinking about his larger career in his decision to drop out rather than just the Gold medal.
Torah Bright got Gold in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. Lydia Lassila got Gold in freestyle skiing and Dale Begg-Smith got Silver in freestyle skiing.

There is a bit about Torah and Scotty James HERE

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Re: Sochi Olympics

Post by boxy » Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:24 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:Most Olympic cities, including Sydney, are left with White Elephants when the *circus* leaves town.
The main Olympic facilities in Sydney seems to get used regularly. The main stadiums and larger buildings (where gymnastics, weightlifting, ect. were held) are always being used for all the different codes of football and other events (Royal Show, concerts, conventions, etc.). The dedicated playing fields and swimming centre are used by the local sporting clubs, and for state and national events. Every time I go by, there is someone on the hockey pitches, either training or playing. The athlete accommodation has also been converted into private apartments.

Sure, if they'd have had to have paid for them outright, they would have probably have made do with something that wasn't quite up to the world class standard. But it is still being well utilised, 14 years later.
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Re: Sochi Olympics

Post by Neferti » Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:48 am

I have been up to several concerts at The Arena which was part of the facilities for the 2000 Sydney Olympics. There is always something on there. Here is what concerts are on the horizon.

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Re: Sochi Olympics

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:50 am

The American media is gleeful in its reporting of the problems in Sochi, like they want them to fail.

The Sydney Olympic Park was certainly a white elephant. There were no plans to develop it until 2005. An afterthought really. The hoped for boost in tourism never came. And the cost of the Games didn't come cheap.

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