Malcom admits lying is his thing!

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DaS Energy

Malcom admits lying is his thing!

Post by DaS Energy » Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:55 pm

NBN = 'We were really confident that goal could be achieved"
Labour didn't do the lying, they told the truth, but grubyition Malcom wanted a bigger pay packet from the people, so what's wrong about lying to those you implore to believe you, eh! :oops

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Re: Malcom admits lying is his thing!

Post by Super Nova » Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:16 pm

DAS, what the issue with NBN?
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DaS Energy

Re: Malcom admits lying is his thing!

Post by DaS Energy » Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:37 pm

No issues with NBN still haven't seen it yet. Malcom flapped his gums all over the place lying to us so he could get a bigger pay packet and now tries to say its all Labours fault he is a blatant lier. Such blatant no conscience lying just to get him a bigger pay packet gives me the squirts.

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Re: Malcom admits lying is his thing!

Post by Super Nova » Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:54 pm

DaS Energy wrote:No issues with NBN still haven't seen it yet. Malcom flapped his gums all over the place lying to us so he could get a bigger pay packet and now tries to say its all Labours fault he is a blatant lier. Such blatant no conscience lying just to get him a bigger pay packet gives me the squirts.
I found this source on the topic that I will refer to: ... z2nFxnFUsH

I guess you are taking Labor's POW on this.
Opposition communications spokesman Jason Clare responded in Parliament, accusing the government of breaking "one of the most important promises it made before the election".

"This government has only been in office for three months and they’ve already broken promises left, right and centre … on debt … on education … on boats … and now today on the NBN," he said.

"This betrayal, this broken promise will hang like an albatross around this Minister’s neck."
But when they came into power they made a promise based on the forecast provided by labour.
The news came as Mr Turnbull released a major strategic plan into the NBN, which showed Labor's national broadband network could never have been completed on time and on budget.

It also comes a fortnight after Fairfax Media revealed that advice given in its draft report to the incoming government showed the NBN Co did not believe the Coalition's target was achievable either.

When launching the Coalition's NBN policy before the election, Mr Turnbull and Tony Abbott made the signature promise that by the end of 2016 all Australians would have internet download speeds of between 25 and 100 megabits per second, sooner than Labor's original plan.

"Disappointingly", this would no longer be possible
To me it looks like Labor were in denial as to the true costs and what was possible. I have been saying all along this was a financial white elephant. I am pleased that someone is looking at it through realistic eyes.

Even the NBN and independents do not believe in the Labour plan.
The review by NBN Co itself and Boston Consulting and the insolvency specialist KordaMentha finds the original plan would require peak funding of $72.6 billion rather than the previously reported $44.1 billion, a difference of $29 billion. The plan would also raise $13 billion to $14 billion less than previously expected and would be delivered three years later.

The original corporate plan prepared under Labor was “extremely optimistic and very unlikely to be achieved”.
I think this was predictable and it is about time someone was honest with the electorate around NBN.
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DaS Energy

Re: Malcom admits lying is his thing!

Post by DaS Energy » Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:31 pm

Sky News. "Federal Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull puts the broken promise down to the coalition not having access in opposition to the full details of network builder NBN Co."

Qld Governments still shudder at mention of my name. Honest, Open and Reliable.

Never went near a Court nor person using lies I had made up or any other lie! Never made any statement unless in possession of all the records!

A lot lot different to Malcom the lier who makes up lies on the run, doesn't give a rats arse he cant know because he's not got the records, but boy can he lie and lie and lie to satisfy his need for more money in his pay packet.

Gillard lied once Malcom makes it his practice to lie to us! :read

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Re: Malcom admits lying is his thing!

Post by Rorschach » Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:41 pm

The reviews that were done of the NBN show clearly 2 things...
1/ Like many of us stated that the NBN would be more expensive and the rollout take much longer than that stated by the LIEBOR Party.
2/ That the situation confronted by the NEW Government would be more difficult to correct due to the LIES that had previously been told about the NBN by LIEBOR, hence there would be further costs incurred by the New Government.
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DaS Energy

Re: Malcom admits lying is his thing!

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:12 am

I fully agree, however it not alter the fact Malcom Turnbull is himself a bare faced lier who intentionally joined in with Labours lieing ways, at the time we all were all desperate for some truth!

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Re: Malcom admits lying is his thing!

Post by Rorschach » Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:59 am

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Well Turnbull instigated the reviews so we all know the truth now don't we :roll:
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Re: Malcom admits lying is his thing!

Post by Neferti » Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:47 pm

The only person pushing for the NBN is the Jovial Monk. :rofl He thinks he will be able to download porn movies in 1 minute for $20 a month. The bloke is a nutcase.

I bought a new Gaming Desktop computer last month. I already have a Toshiba laptop (i7 with 8 GB
RAM, etc and Windows 7.) The new desktop is:

Processor 3.6 GHz
2 GB AMD Radeon HD7870 graphics card
Windows 8.1

I can watch movies online now, and all I need is a thingie from Dick Smith and I can watch them (via the Net) on my 50" TV. I already have Foxtel and can watch TV 24/7 if I wanted to ... including movies (plus a sex/adult channel if I wanted to pay for it). Blah Blah Blah.

Your cheap laptop or ancient desktop isn't going to get you very far. You need RAM .... not a new ISP or the NBN. :yahoo

DaS Energy

Re: Malcom admits lying is his thing!

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:09 pm

Rorschach wrote::roll: :roll: :roll:

Well Turnbull instigated the reviews so we all know the truth now don't we :roll:
NO! Turnbull has shown himself to be a bare faced liar, lied before so why not again?

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