Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

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Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:44 am

Labor are apparently going to make this a major issue.
Bill Shorten backs gay marriage where Julia Gillard did not.
The GG Bill's mother in law supports it... funny that.
The greens support it and these days they all try to pass it off as a matter of equality. Well that is just not true.
A very vocal global minority have been pushing this and have in some instances defeated the weak minded pollies who are supposed to represent us.
But I will never accept any decision that is not put to the people.
Yet the lobbyists do not want this, they want to pressure the weak willed and have them foist yet another social change on us.

Most Gay people I know and I mean by a long way, do not want to marry...
Most homosexuals don’t want to ‘marry’ or adopt, French homosexual leader admits
by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
* Wed Jan 16, 2013 17:34 EST

The co-founder of a new French homosexual organization, Homovox, says that most homosexuals do not want to marry or adopt children, and are not supporters of the socialist government's proposed legislation to create homosexual "marriage."

French lesbian Nathalie de Williencourt says she decided to create the group as a result of her frustration over a vocal homosexual lobby that has been unquestioningly accepted as the mouthpiece of all of the country's homosexuals.

The homosexuals Williencourt knows "don't have any desire to marry nor to adopt.”

“They don't feel represented by activists that they haven't chosen, who steal the stage from a silent majority," she told the French magazine Christian Family. "Many feel belittled, mistreated by this array of demands that stigmatize them."

Homovox, which was established in November of last year, has created a website displaying testimony by numerous homosexuals who disavow the push for homosexual "marriage." Willeincourt says that the organization marched on Sunday with up to one million other French citizens protesting the proposed legislation.

One participant calls the proposal a "homophobic bill," while another remarks that "the law should seek what is best for the child, and that is to have a father and a mother."

Williencourt's claims are supported by statistics from many jurisdictions that have created homosexual "marriages," "civil unions" and other such arrangements.

In Spain, for example, only 22,124 homosexual "marriages" have occurred since the country created the institution in 2005, according to local media. If one assumes that every marriage involved a unique couple, and that 3.5 percent of the population is homosexual (a standard figure produced by peer-reviewed studies on the topic) then less than 3% of Spain's homosexuals have availed themselves of "marriage" during the seven years of its availability.

In the Netherlands, according to a study by the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy (iMAPP), after ten years of homosexual "marriage" in the Netherlands, only eight percent of homosexuals were "married" in 2011.
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Re: Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

Post by boxy » Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:02 am

"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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Re: Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

Post by 762NATO » Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:12 am

Billy seems to have gone quiet on this issue

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Re: Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:20 am

Yet the US Supreme Court just passed it, I'm betting Labor and The Greens will again make a push like they did after the Irish result.
The Gay movement are pushing for a Parliamentary decision on it not a referendum... gee I wonder why. :roll:
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Re: Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:33 am

Rorschach wrote:Most Gay people I know and I mean by a long way, do not want to marry...
most single guys i know say they don't want to marry either .... but try tell them they're not allowed and I bet they'll all change their tune

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Re: Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

Post by 762NATO » Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:34 am

I dunno R , Di Natale isnt a turd burgler (apparently) so it may be slipping down the list of priorities

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Re: Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

Post by Bart » Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:34 am

Faggots are taking over the world
Next will be having multiple spouses
Then next will be having children/kiddies as a bride
Then next will be incestuous spouses
And then the Greens number one item on their agenda - marrying animals - The Greens are the bestiality party

The Greens are destroying all social morals and respect -the very heart of the fabric of society
In time these will all get through parliament based on the Greens faggot justification of why not!
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Re: Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

Post by Rorschach » Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:33 pm

Well the 5/4 decision hardly fill one with confidence about the decision unless you are gay I suppose.
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Re: Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

Post by mellie » Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:46 am

Bart wrote:Faggots are taking over the world
Next will be having multiple spouses
Then next will be having children/kiddies as a bride
Then next will be incestuous spouses
And then the Greens number one item on their agenda - marrying animals - The Greens are the bestiality party

The Greens are destroying all social morals and respect -the very heart of the fabric of society
In time these will all get through parliament based on the Greens faggot justification of why not!

Bart, people have a right to their own sexualality, so long as it's consentual and the consenting couple are adults.

I don't agree with calling homosexuals faggots etc, though do agree with you on one point, ie, gay couples marrying and bringing children into the equation, due to a child's most fundamental biological rights being denied, this being the right to having both a mother and a father.

Sure not all kids have both a mother and a father, divorce, death, estrangement etc, but we shouldn't be going out of our way to deny them of such for purely selfish purposes which is what same-sex couples who wish to have a family are essentially doing.

These people should adopt a puppy instead.

Marriage is traditionally a sacred and heterosexual institution, perhaps same-sex couples should invent one of their own?

This opposed to desecrating ours?
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Re: Labor, Bill and Gay Marriage.

Post by S m i t h ' s J o h n » Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:28 am

mellie wrote:

Bart, people have a right to their own sexualality, so long as it's consentual and the consenting couple are adults.

People also have a right to having sex with animals - provided that it is done is a loving way!!!!!!!!!!

Refer Vic Greens founder Peter Singer' Animal Liberation ... world-9774" onclick=";return false;
"In defending “consensual” sex between humans and animals Singer is concerned only with whether the sexual contact is “mutually satisfying”. What it means for an animal to give consent to sex with a human is unclear. Wag your tail three times for a yes, Fido?"

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