The problem with Labor

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The problem with Labor

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:23 am

...and the bullshit spin dribbled verbatim from the lips of their supporter.

A good article that nails the ALP are still focused on spin. They spun the "greatest" and "unprecedented" "Labor reforms" in govt and instead of learning from their mistakes, they are continuing the spin trying desperately to save their *lol* legacy. :rofl
AFTER many election defeats, the Labor story is the same: the policies and cause were right, it was just "negative" tactics of the conservatives, a biased media and party disunity that blinded the electorate to party successes!

Labor's leadership aspirants have blamed the 2013 loss on these factors, stressing most of all the party's internal destabilisation. Now former prime minister Julia Gillard, speaking out in The Guardian and in interviews with Anne Summers, has joined the chorus with the added line that the "underside of sexism" contributed to her particular failure.

Given that former Labor leader Bob Hawke described the election defeat as a "devastating result for Labor" needing close review, we expected better than this.

Before it slips into the popular consciousness, we should review the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd government's policy legacies.

And let's get past the superficial analyses such as Jacqueline Kent's Take Your Best Shot: The Prime Ministership of Julia Gillard, which highlights the "staggering 600" bills passed in parliament under Gillard as an indicator of success. Mere quantity is a poor measure of a government's policy legacy. How many bills were rushed? How many served the national interest or were financially sustainable?

Gillard's own assessment - that her only error was labelling the carbon tax a tax and not a trading scheme - shows a lack of critical self-analysis as bad as Kevin Rudd on election night.

According to her, the Rudd-Gillard years were like a rose between two thorns: Labor's vision for a better nation shone a light on the dark days that went before, when the "anti-worker" Howard government, "every day in office", played "divisive politics" with its broken "business model" for schools policy. Even darker days are to come, Gillard claims, when an Abbott government will be "broadcasting for its own callow political purposes a continuous diatribe about Labor ... incompetence".

Setting aside the absence of grace in failing to credit any government other than her own with having the nation's interest at heart, a question mark sits heavily over whether Gillard's nominated "legacy policies" - fair work, education reform, disability care, health and aged care, and embracing the Asian Century - will stand up under scrutiny.

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Re: The problem with Labor

Post by Rorschach » Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:54 am

yeah.... it's what I've been say... they are clueless.
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Re: The problem with Labor

Post by wog_girl » Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:23 pm

Gillard lacked an effective communications director to sell her brilliant ideas. If only she had employed one of those Scotsmen. I hear they're good.

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Re: The problem with Labor

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:38 pm

Oh no, the Americans are better but you need at least 3.
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Re: The problem with Labor

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:51 pm

What moron thought a Facebook and twitter campaign would do anything but rev up the feral leftys especially on twitter where the rabid frothing left love to hang out because their vocabulary is only sufficient for 140 characters.

News flash fuckheads- no one is convinced about politics on social media.
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Re: The problem with Labor

Post by wog_girl » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:23 am

Labor just need to wait until the right leader comes along. Why not try Kevin Rudd? I hear he's popular.

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Re: The problem with Labor

Post by mantra » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:40 pm

Admittedly Twitter and Facebook aren't good ways of getting your message across to many of the older mainstream voters - but these venues are attractive to Gen Y. That's the support Labor were counting on probably and it helped.

Gillard got off to a bad start, but was finally managing to get her act together when she was booted out. Considering the abuse and hatred she was subject to - it's surprising she didn't walk out a year earlier. She was courageous and whether you liked her or not - she was Australia's first woman prime minister and was entitled to some respect. She deserves a medal for tolerating the verbal bashing she got.

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Re: The problem with Labor

Post by Rorschach » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:43 pm

She was a bad PM and copped abuse because of that end of story...

remember the howard haters mantra... sure you do... you're one of them.

Howard copped worse than Gillard.
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Re: The problem with Labor

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:28 pm

mantra wrote:Admittedly Twitter and Facebook aren't good ways of getting your message across to many of the older mainstream voters - but these venues are attractive to Gen Y. That's the support Labor were counting on probably and it helped.
They got caned. There was no help there. The bast thing about watching ALP message on Facebook and twitter was laughing at the people who replied and trashed their lies and the amount of replies that were telling them to GTfO.
Gillard got off to a bad start, but was finally managing to get her act together when she was booted out. Considering the abuse and hatred she was subject to - it's surprising she didn't walk out a year earlier. She was courageous and whether you liked her or not - she was Australia's first woman prime minister and was entitled to some respect. She deserves a medal for tolerating the verbal bashing she got.
No she wasn't. She was on the lowest primary vote in history. She was the most useless PM in the most useless ALP in history. She wasnt entitled to any respect. She and her party lied and trashed Australia on a continuous basis. The fact that she was the first female PM has only gone to show that it was one big fucking mistake that even her own party recognised.

Her piss poor performance has only made it more difficult for anyone to vote for another clam carrier in that position. She damaged the female cause because she was so useless.
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