Continues....THE "sensible" and "moderate" predictions expected to be made in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's fifth update report tomorrow would open the way for more constructive discussions on how best to combat climate change, according to Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist
Dr Lomborg, adjunct professor at the Copenhagen Business School, said the anticipated temperature and sea-level rise in the new report did not support earlier "alarmist predictions".
"This is a chance to steer the climate conversation in a more realistic and constructive direction."
He said the report's June draft showed similar temperature rises to earlier reports, at about 1C to 3.7C by the end of the century.
For sea-level rise, the IPCC had added 3cm to 20cm to the projections to take into account melted ice from glaciers, leading to a higher total estimate of 40cm to 62cm by the end of the century.
"This shows that the IPCC's predictions do not support alarmist predictions of global temperature rise that are often in the order of 5C and 1m to 2m of sea-level rise," Dr Lomborg said in a statement. "These sensible and moderate findings contradict the alarmist rhetoric.
"Since 1980, the models have overestimated actual temperature rise by 71 to 159 per cent. This does not mean there is no global warming. It just makes the alarmist scenarios ever more implausible."
The new report was a chance to change the climate conversation from being "dominated by end-of-the-world thinking" to focusing on global warming being a problem.
"While panic is a great way to raise awareness and to win votes, it is a terrible starting point for making smart policies," he said.
Rather than continuing their focus on carbon taxes and subsidies for renewables, political decision-makers should pursue a new approach. "What we need is investment in research and development to reduce green energy's cost and boost its scale," he said. ... mists.html