The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

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The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

Post by mellie » Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:57 pm

Why doesn’t the Facebook abuse of Tony Abbott prompt outrage from the moral guardians?
The left are still drunk on the poisonous propaganda they have long consumed.

Dean Bertram 14 September 2013

Oh how the sanctimonious Left bemoaned the slightest criticism of Julia Gillard. Egged on by Gillard’s own rants, and abetted by heavy-hitting propagandists such as David Marr and Robert Manne, the leftist blogosphere and Twitterverse manufactured a strange demonology, wherein Tony Abbott and his supporters were transformed into a misogynistic army of haters.

Such character assassination remains the most overused technique from the Left’s current playbook: A deliberate reverse ad hominem manoeuvre whereby genuine political disagreements from opponents are spun to appear as personal hate-motivated slurs. Media attack dogs for the Obama administration overuse this tactic so often it borders on the comical. You don’t want Obamacare? You’re a racist! Want to keep your guns? How racist! Think tax rates are too high? Racist! You’re a Republican? RACIST!

While Gillard once complained of her internet detractors being ‘misogynists and nutjobs’, the recent federal election demonstrated, more than ever, on just what side of the political fence most of the web’s crazies reside. Andrew Bolt has already commented on the rapid appearance of hate-filled Facebook pages that sprang up post-election.



@MusicMelbMary: ‘What would Tony Abbott do if one of his daughter’s became a prostitute?’ @AndyDwyerSays: ‘Tony Abbott’s daughters now snorting lines off toilets at Lib HQ #ausvotes’. @MichelleBlogna: ‘Can’t wait for a leaked sex tape of the @TonyAbbottMHR daughters #ElectionProject’. @mffyrg ‘Shower @TonyAbbottMHR’s repulsive daughters with rotten fruit and veg at every opportunity. The Whores of @LiberalAus.’ @vila900 ‘Tony Abbot’s [sic] daughters look like men. Ugly. #TonyAbbott’. @JcliffordSmith: ‘Tony Abbott’s daughters look like trannies 2nite #ausvotes’. @bernietb: ‘Tony Abbott groping his daughters live on national TV’. @dailydoseofjess: ‘Tony Abbott’s daughters glad they can finally stop playfully stroking their dad’s chest.’ @JazzyAds: ‘Tony Abbott lusts after his daughters. Margie looks like a man, no wonder perv Tony can’t keep his hands off them. #tonyabbott #pervtony’.

Again, as disgraceful as the above tweets may be, they pale in comparison to much of the abject filth that appeared on Twitter and Facebook attacking Abbott and his female family members. But don’t expect outrage from lefty moralists anytime soon. ... -hatebook/
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Re: The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

Post by mellie » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:04 pm

It's reminiscent of some of the vexatious lefty propagandists we have here on our very own PA.

~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~


Re: The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

Post by Aussie » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:06 pm

The easy relaxed response to that is that the left have been putting up with crap poisonous propaganda from the Abbott lead LNP for six (+-) years. They have seen it work against them.

They are going to adopt the same tactic against Abbott as relentlessly as he/they asked about "There will be no carbon tax under a Government I lead" every QT day in Canberra.

The LNP made that bed, and the left will ensure they lie in it.



Re: The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

Post by Aussie » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:10 pm

Aussie wrote:The easy relaxed response to that is that the left have been putting up with crap poisonous propaganda from the Abbott lead LNP for six (+-) years. They have seen it work against them.

They are going to adopt the same tactic against Abbott as relentlessly as he/they asked about "There will be no carbon tax under a Government I lead" every QT day in Canberra.

The LNP made that bed, and the left will ensure they lie in it.

Oh.....I have added to that OP.

Oh well, same point.............personal abuse of Gillard, her parents, and her partner. Simple karma. Get very used to it mellie.

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Re: The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

Post by Rorschach » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:13 pm

Aussie wrote:The easy relaxed response to that is that the left have been putting up with crap poisonous propaganda from the Abbott lead LNP for six (+-) years. They have seen it work against them.

They are going to adopt the same tactic against Abbott as relentlessly as he/they asked about "There will be no carbon tax under a Government I lead" every QT day in Canberra.

The LNP made that bed, and the left will ensure they lie in it.


Bullshit.... nothing is more poisonous and hate filled as the progressive left... they've been at it since Howard and haven't let up even while in government. they even hate each other. :rofl
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Re: The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

Post by Aussie » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:21 pm

Rorschach wrote:
Aussie wrote:The easy relaxed response to that is that the left have been putting up with crap poisonous propaganda from the Abbott lead LNP for six (+-) years. They have seen it work against them.

They are going to adopt the same tactic against Abbott as relentlessly as he/they asked about "There will be no carbon tax under a Government I lead" every QT day in Canberra.

The LNP made that bed, and the left will ensure they lie in it.


Bullshit.... nothing is more poisonous and hate filled as the progressive left... they've been at it since Howard and haven't let up even while in government. they even hate each other. :rofl
Okay.....fine............(to get this over a mental block some will have)........the 'Left' started the kindergarten behaviour. Rudd beat Howard and the 'Right' got into it. Gillard beat Rudd, and the 'Right' got really stuck into it. Gillard beat Abbott in a 'hung' situation, and the toys went absolutely everywhere in the nursery. So, on it will go until some Statesman stands up, and takes an exemplary lead, and I cannot see that happening anytime soon.

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Re: The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

Post by mellie » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:24 pm

Aussie wrote:The easy relaxed response to that is that the left have been putting up with crap poisonous propaganda from the Abbott lead LNP for six (+-) years. They have seen it work against them.

They are going to adopt the same tactic against Abbott as relentlessly as he/they asked about "There will be no carbon tax under a Government I lead" every QT day in Canberra.

The LNP made that bed, and the left will ensure they lie in it.

The bitter twittering hate-booking left have made their beds all right, whereby it seems the majority of 'saner' Australia knew better than to be persuaded by these lunatics.

Or else they would have voted Labor, not Liberal.

The left only appeal to the bogan underachieving voters these days it seems... those too ignorant or disturbed to know whats best for them anyway.

For instance ....see any Liberals despotically writhing for the precious here on PA?

8-) ...... Fruit Cakes!
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Re: The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:27 pm

mellie wrote:For instance ....see any Liberals despotically writhing for the precious here on PA?
Excellent point!

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Re: The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:44 pm

The saying "No one hates like the left" or the "rabid left" wasn't any right wing concoction, it was simply a statement of the obvious and the actual.

The "rabid left" have been the instigators of the entire hate filled realm and started early with the demonisation of Howard and still continues to this day even 6 years after Howard left the parliament. The "rabid left" stirred into a frenzied hornets nest were left with no one to attack so the rise of Tony Abbott was like a call to arms for the rabid.

The 'rabid frenzy' have been proven wrong time and time and time again- Abbott is unelectable. Abbott will never be PM, Abbott will have a meltdown, Abbott isn't PM material :rofl ....proven wrong at every single turn.

These frenzied rabid hornets also have a habit of attacking their own because they proved easier targets than Abbott who batted them away with ease, and turn they did. The "rabid frenzy" inciting no reaction turned to the only place they could guarantee a reaction. Their own, and like a pack of starving hyenas they feasted on the remnants of the ALP (easily helped along by their so-called leftists in arms, the Greens who were happy to whip up the indignation that feeds the "rabid frenzy"

The left will 'try' to ensure that the right engages in their rabid frenzy but 'try' is all that they will do. No one can 'rabid frenzy' like the left...and all it does is leave them embarrassed, wanting and inevitably losing.
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Re: The Left, still drunk on their poisonous Propaganda

Post by mellie » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:56 pm

Rorschach wrote:
Aussie wrote:The easy relaxed response to that is that the left have been putting up with crap poisonous propaganda from the Abbott lead LNP for six (+-) years. They have seen it work against them.

They are going to adopt the same tactic against Abbott as relentlessly as he/they asked about "There will be no carbon tax under a Government I lead" every QT day in Canberra.

The LNP made that bed, and the left will ensure they lie in it.


Bullshit.... nothing is more poisonous and hate filled as the progressive left... they've been at it since Howard and haven't let up even while in government. they even hate each other. :rofl

My theory is they hate themselves most of all.

The left are characteristically self depreciating and contemptuous of their own flesh, their fellow human race.
They regard themselves as being little more than a plague, a blight on our planet that requires culling.
In order to feel better about themselves, and justify their plague-like existence they set about planting trees and rescuing small fluffy animals, (while their own offspring perish from malnutrition on an organic bean-curd diet ) in order to declare themselves worthy of co-habituating this planet.

It's their victimous, self-loathing perceived sense of social entitlement I cant stand most of all.

If you asked a rabid leftard to place Humans, Animals and the Environment in order of importance, they would rescue a burning Koala from a tree while their own children burned to death in their beds i'm sure.
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~

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