ETS - High Court

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DaS Energy

ETS - High Court

Post by DaS Energy » Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:54 pm

This may not fit with forum rules and I fully accept its removal if so!

Does anybody have knowledge of the Coalition promising to scrap the new ETS or modify. (I ask as I am not personally aware of such)

Section 53 of the Constitution, The Commonwealth shall not legislate to protect its entity from competition. Reinforced by the High Court in 1953, Ansett versus Commonwealth Airlines.
In 2007 the punter gave Labor a mandate for an ETS,
Rudd wrote an ETS where only his small selection of Australians could Carbon trade in Australia all others welcome to trade overseas.

In 2009 all backbencher per personally put on notice that the Rules of Parliament only protect Ministers against personal liability! The High Court takes a grim view of Politicians who act in contempt of its Rulings.
Rudd took two weeks holiday then came back and pulled the ETS. They knifed him shortly after that.

Gillard’s rewrote the ETS so all Australians could Carbon Trade in Australia. However it again defies the Constitution and High Court ruling of 1953, by including only the Commonwealth Entity can print Carbon permits while all other must earn them. Unlike the Commonwealth Entity, the people wishing to trade in Carbon permits must first pass the Commonwealth character test to establish the person is fit for such. Then they must pass vigorous scrutiny and pass several departments to prove they have produced electricity with lower Carbon content in a manner decided by the Department before they be qualified to be provided with a Carbon permit.
Whereas the Commonwealth Entity only needs to turn on the printer. It not have to compete with the free market.

I ask as all Courts expect the defence to have been notified of that they do wrong and be given time to rectify without intervention of the High Court.

My asks to speak with the Electorate member of Parliament have failed to receive even acknowledgement of service to the request.

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