Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

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Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

Post by mellie » Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:40 pm

After doing the twitter rounds this evening, I must say, never , ever have I seen such poor sportsmanship.

Most Un-Australian.

Kevin Rudds daughter Jess really needs to disable her twitter account, break her fingers or something, because she's not only sour, she's being down right catty...blaming lacklustre advertising for her fathers electoral wipe out and is attacking her twitter following ALP supporters.


Oh dear. :b

Then we have our very own Monk who had this to say over on his copy-cat version of our PA here.

Vote counts

Postby HBS Guy » 07 Sep 2013, 18:55
Doesn’t look good.

Monday I reckon most papers will be retrenching a heap of journos and others—they persevered to carry Tone over the line, maybe they knew of the muzzling of social media that was one of the hidden policies? But they are all losing money and can’t keep this up. Hope they all get sacked and go broke—none are worth a cracker! A few, Mike Carlton and Julia Baird, have written sort of “Ohhh I always thought Julia was great and Abbott crap” articles for this mornings papers—hope those fucking hypocrites get the boot first!

Hope the parents using childcare find their kids start telling horror stories about their child care centres—go and complain to Abbott, idiots. He thinks a woman’s place is in the home, a real backward Opus Dei Catholic as you should have known idiots! Got parents in aged care? Better start spending a lot of time in those homes looking after those parents. Some could take their parents home but not all. Aged couples face the awful choice of what aged home is least bad—the NBN that could have seen them stay in their own home would have hurt Murdoch’s Foxtel business so that had to be stopped, of course! Pity about the gain to GDP and the new industries, but Murdoch is more important!

You want what? You want an abortion and you want IVF! Go away, EVIL people! Pell said both were immoral so we had to drop any Medicare payment towards those. Yes RICH people can still afford them, but that is different. DON’T as how that is different, peasant!

What do you mean spring and summer are hotter and bushfires ever bigger! For Pell’s sake, give Direct Action a chance, will you! All the trees planted died? Well, we will just plant new ones! Geez! That your only problem? You want a job? Money doesn’t grow on trees you know and the deficit is triple what it used to be when I took over—don’t understand, we sacked 80,000 Public servants, sold off whatever could be sold off, stopped rolling out the NBN. Now business is on my case, ungrateful bastards, dollar is below 50¢US, interest and inflation are rising steeply and nobody is buying much because they are afraid they will be sacked! Not that long ago they were whinging the dollar was too high!

Geez more teachers want to see me? I thought we sacked that many that the remainder were too busy to do anything?

Maybe call the army out?

The end is nigh~


It's a toss-up between Rudds daughter Jess and Jovial Monk... but I think they both deserve a Sour Grape Award for their performance this evening.

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Re: Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

Post by babette » Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:16 pm

Kevin Rudd was not brought back, elected as ALP leader to win the election. That is the last thing that the ALP ministers wanted, having to serve under Rudd for another 3 years.
Rather Rudd was elected to minimise the potential loss.
It looks like Rudd will keep his seat (with help of the Greens) but Rudd won't be kept on as leader of the Opposition.


Re: Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:45 pm

Thanks for confirming Super Turd’s brand protection is childish rubbish.

I did come here and congratulated Abbott and the LNP on their, you fucking lunatic and idiot!

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Re: Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:49 pm

Fuck you Monk...you owe me $500

You fucking loser.
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Re: Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

Post by mellie » Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:27 pm

Jovial_Monk wrote:Thanks for confirming Super Turd’s brand protection is childish rubbish.

I did come here and congratulated Abbott and the LNP on their, you fucking lunatic and idiot!
Before you tweeted frantically about how the world was about to end under a fascist Liberal dictatorship. :rofl

You crazy old coot.

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Re: Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

Post by Rorschach » Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:47 pm

Monk.... totally demented....
Labor worse loss in over 100 years...?
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Re: Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

Post by boxy » Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:30 pm

mellie wrote:Kevin Rudds daughter Jess really needs to disable her twitter account, break her fingers or something, because she's not only sour, she's being down right catty...blaming lacklustre advertising for her fathers electoral wipe out and is attacking her twitter following ALP supporters.
If she needs to break her fingers for that comment, every poster here, and especially you (you sour old puss) needs to go commit suicide. She said "You can tell we've been outspent in advertising 4:1. Skydivers in budgie smugglers any minute now..."... it's fucking twitter. People say heaps of mildly amusing stuff. All of hers seems pretty innocuous.
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Re: Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:46 pm

Anyone who uses twitter needs to get aids from being raped by a syphilitic baboon and in their final moments, have a blow torch applied to their genitals.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

Post by wog_girl » Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:20 pm

Fuck me, Adam Bandt re-elected? Cocaine must be one hell of a drug in inner Melbourne. Good too see Sarah Hanson-Young's consistent prostitution of herself to every minor party she could think of didn't amount to much. She would have a terrific career as a professional death-starer should she want to leave politics.


Re: Election 2013 Sour Grape Awards

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:10 pm

SHY booted out the Senate? One more good thing to come out of this election.

Talking of sour grapes—if Labor had won, not a single invertebrate from here would have come to my board to congratulate Labor.

KRS was instructive—this silly youn Lib snot, right up until the night of 24/11/07 said the Libs would win. Come 25/11/07—said young Lib snot, Australia Boy or some such, was never seen on KRS again! Young Walker, through clenched teeth congratulated us Laborites and the Party, a nice effort and good manners and I congratulated him on it. Here—too fucking dumb and insane.

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