Labors lite touch handling of national security threats

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Labors lite touch handling of national security threats

Post by mellie » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:25 pm

No. 168

Suspension of standing and sessional orders moved
Mr Morrison moved

That so much of standing and sessional orders be suspended as to allow the
Member for Cook to move the following motion

That, given the Governments refusal to answer questions in this House and refusal to establish an independent inquiry into the Governments light touch handling of national security issues regarding the detention and processing of a convicted
terrorist who arrived illegally by boat in and around May 2012:

a Select Committee on the National security issues relating to the processing and detention of a
convicted terrorist who arrived by boat in and around May 2012 and other related matters
involving the Governments handling of national security issues for irregular maritime arrivals be appointed to inquire into and report on, the following incident:
in or around May 2012, an Egyptian adult male accompanied by his family arrived illegally
by boat at Christmas Island claiming
After initial processing the man and his family were transferred to the Inverbrackie
Alternative Place of Detention, a detention facility for low risk asylum seeker families in the Adelaid Hills.

by the end of August 2012 it was established by ASIO that this man was convicted of multiple terrorist offences, is a member of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad which merged with AlQaeda in June 2001 and he was the subject of an Interpol Red Notice; and
the man and his family remained in low security detention at Inverbrackie until April 2013
when they were transferred to higher security detention facilities at Villawood in Sydney;
the Select Committee should:
establish the facts surrounding the case in relation to:
the full chronology of the events relating to the man and his familys arrival and
detention in Australia and associated security and criminal investigations;
how and when relevant agencies and Ministers became aware of the mans terrorist conviction and what action was taken in response to that knowledge;
the adequacy of interagency cooperation, and in particular cooperation between DIAC,ASIO and the AFP, in identifying, sharing information, and taking steps to appropriately deal with the individual concerned;
why the individual was left so long at the Inverbrackie low security facility before being
transferred to Villawood;
the current location and security arrangements for the man and his family;
the current status of immigration processing of his asylum or any other claim; and
action being taken in relation to his extradition to Egypt and the point of responsibility for ongoing management of this national security case;
review the facts and make an assessment of any failings
in the Governments handling of this case and who will be responsible;
identify and establish the facts relating to the Governments handling of other cases,
involving national security issues including, but not restricted to:
a Sri Lankan national suspected of murder who was released into the community before
being taken to Villawood detention centre;
a suspected Iranian drug smuggler who arrived via boat and is now in a mental health
asylum seeker claims involving membership
of the group the Liberation Tigers of Tamil
Eelam; and
any other asylum seeker....

Continues.. ... 03/0000%22

Other votes and proceedings... ... roceedings

Posts: 10891
Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:52 pm

Re: Labors lite touch handling of national security threats

Post by mellie » Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:33 pm

So when one of Labors poorly screened refugees commits an act of terror at one of your children’s, or grandchildrens primary schools, or some other public place dense with people, despite ASIO having already established that the culprit had in fact already been convicted of multiple terrorist offences elsewhere around the world, and had been subject to an Interpol Red Notice also....

Don't complain kids, or else you will be labelled a red-necked racist bogan by the left.

And remember, terrorists are people, and need somewhere to live too.

Sure, their hobbies and interests might be a little unorthodox, and their resumes might raise a few eyebrows also, but it all comes down to tolerance and understanding, celebrating diversity, and most importantly, saying, thinking and doing what’s politically correct.

Lets not discriminate, because terrorists may now call Australia their home too.


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