Roach, really, this is rather elementary, in fact, if you run a quick search into Ozpolitics search engine, and google what you assumed I didn't know already, ie, the political spectrum, left and right factions of both leading parties, useing key-words such as the difference between Americas Liberals and ours,(I am pretty sure I even posted something brief about this here on this forum also, so run a check here also) and the political philosophy behind both sides of politics and you will see that this is all pretty basic stuff, general knowledge for all of us who post here.
So stop grandstanding, and avoiding the questions, by asking me questions you already know fine well I know the answer to, and just cut to the chase.
Why do you consider yourself to be a left-wing conservative, (This is, you personally, we don't want a googled political ideology twisted around your own half-assed interpretation, or the results of some online political pop-quiz that told you so) and name an Australian politician you believe shares your left-wing conservative values.
It's pretty simple, not asking much.
If you insist on using the political pop-quizzes as a rational for why you believe yourself to be a LW conservative, please post the links to these "quizzes", so we may check out these ourselves.
Because it's my feeling that these online political quizzes which claim to assess an individuals political orientation are a load of crap.

This and should not be taken seriously.
If you want me to take you seriously, then try answering the questions seriously first.
We know what the definition of a conservative and a left-winger is ...what I want is for you to tell us the definition of a LW conservative and how this applies to yourself.
Because having left-wing values/views and a conservative temperament/nature, doesn't necessarily mean you are a LW conservative... a centrist perhaps, but a LW conservative?
It's about where you sit on the spectrum, not "labels" and what you wish to brand yourself in order to appeal to both sides of politics.
The Libs have been telling Turnbull the same thing for years, and to no avail.