Abbott to reintroduce a revamped Workchoices

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Abbott to reintroduce a revamped Workchoices

Post by mantra » Sat May 11, 2013 7:36 am

Here we go. Stomp on those who are most desperate to find work. Keep them down so they remember that they're at the bottom of the heap. What a short memory Abbott has in regard to the unpopularity of this scheme? Nazi Abetz is behind him all the way and he won't let go of his fascist roots. We whinge about the Muslims, but Sharia Law will look harmless when Abetz puts his jackboots on.

All the Abbott supporters whose children will be entering the workforce in the next few years will have a first hand taste of finding themselves just a number again - not a human being with a desire to maintain a basic standard of living.

Introducing the faceless workforce......
But Mr Abbott sought to steer clear of contentious issues such as penalty rates and unfair dismissal, saying any major changes to the existing Fair Work laws would only be considered after a Productivity Commission inquiry and with a mandate from voters at the following election, due in 2016.

Senator Abetz said on Friday it was ''hypothetical'' to talk about potential further changes, but insisted the Coalition was ''not going to be in the business of ideologically pursuing the issue of flexibility''.

''I'm proud of the fact that I can look the Australian people in the eye and say to them quite honestly you sent us a message in 2007, we've accepted that message; we've learned from it and you can be assured we won't be going back there again,'' he told Fairfax Media's Breaking Politics program.

''To extend the analogy of the leader, Tony Abbott, when he said WorkChoices was dead, buried and cremated, yesterday we scattered the ashes of WorkChoices and they'll never be gathered up again.''

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Peter Anderson denounced the Coalition workplace relations policy as ''too cautious; too modest'' and said business could not wait another three or four years ''before they get their measure of industrial relations justice''.

Australian Industry Group chief executive Innes Willox told ABC radio on Friday that he was disappointed that ''the ghost of WorkChoices'' hung over the Coalition as it drafted its latest policy.

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Re: Abbott to reintroduce a revamped Workchoices

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat May 11, 2013 8:59 am

It is essentially the same policy as what the ALP have except it open up flexibility agreements to everyone and not just those who the unions say it can.

Idiots bought the scare mongers campaign in 2007 and they have woken up to the lefts lying.
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Re: Abbott to reintroduce a revamped Workchoices

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sat May 11, 2013 1:03 pm

No it isn’t, as is obvious to anyone not a drug addict.

The AABC will be set up, restrictions on rights of access by unionists to work places. No emphasis on workplace safety—you would think they might put a hint of that in after Grocon’s wall collapsed killing three people walking by it. then the reference to the Productivity Commission and the attack on conditions would begin. Fullblown WorkChoices would come in after the 2016 election.

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