Researching Tony Abbott

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Researching Tony Abbott

Post by mellie » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:28 am

A few of you, (mostly the left) have seemingly struggled to find information relating to Tony Abbotts familial origins, and assumed that because they struggled to research correctly themselves, information concerning Tony Abbotts family and his past didn't exist.

Some even went so far as to insinuate that the reason for a "lack" of information concerning his parents was due to some sort of conspiracy, a cover-up of some description, really, this made me laugh given I found the desired information in under 3 minutes.

Then again, I know how and where to look for things, clearly Aussie and Boxy do not.



Tony with his parents.


ABBOTT RICHARD HENRY : Service Number - 422371 : Date of birth - 06 Jan 1924 : Place of birth - NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE ENGLAND : Place of enlistment - SYDNEY : Next of Kin - ABBOTT ERNEST ... de=5389535



“A PATIENT, Mrs. E. J.Hennessy, of Cessnock, with trainee Miss Fay Peters (Tony Abbotts Mother prior to marriage) who is doing ward rounds after meal-time.” 1953 ... rchLimits=

Tony Abbott's mother was born in Australia but gained British citizenship then emigrated to the UK, where she married Richard Henry Abbott. ... torypage=0

Parents marry in England

In March 1957 in the district Westminster in the county of London Fay Peters wed Richard H. Abbott. ... 1320433380

Family arrives back in Australia in 1960 after paying twenty pounds to emigrate from 5 Castlebar Road London to Australia.

ABBOTT Richard Henry born 6 January 1924; Fay (nee Peters) born 23 May 1933; Anthony John born 4 November 1957; Jane Elizabeth born 25 January 1959; travelled per ORONSAY departing Tilbury on 7 September 1960 under the Assisted Passage Migration Scheme” Intending to live with wife’s parents at Bronte, NSW. ... de=7328488

Tony’s progress

Abbott is the only son of Richard and Fay Abbott, of Killara on Sydney's upper North Shore. His father had a dental practice in Australia and Tony Abbott attended secondary education at the academically selective St Ignatius College, Riverview, one of only eight Sydney GPS schools.” -Sydney Morning Herald 27th March 1994 ... -canberra/
(Note the Labor bias in the above article as early as 1994 even :bgrin )

:roll There now Aussie... I managed to find out who his parents are, this and his sister also, which leads me to believe either you are not overly capable in the art of research, or are just a bloody liar.

Possibly a little of both.


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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by mellie » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:52 am

Now Aussie, just because Tony isn't an exhibitionist like your Julia Gillard, who never misses a photo opportunity, this and has taken a fancy to introducing the world to her parents, isn't to say Tony Abbott has something to hide, as has been demonstrated.

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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by mellie » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:23 am


A photo of Tony Abbott's beautiful wife and daughters.


Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by wog_girl » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:31 am

Gillard's daughter is nice. I mean that "Tim" person is her daughter, right?

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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by mellie » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:31 am

And I'm sure Julia Gillard is just as proud of her de-facto diesel-dyke stepdaughter Staci Child ...


8-) Step-mummy issues, or a chip off the old block?

Disrespectful whichever way you look at it.

Staci 'wild' Child has matured over the last few years, as in, she's aged about 20 years.
Probably due to the ice or crack.


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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by mantra » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:42 am

His father was a dentist and his mother had a science degree. A former pilot who, much to his disappointment, never flew in the war, his father had wanted to be a priest and always impressed on his son that it was better to be a good man than a successful one. There were four siblings, with Abbott the only boy. He was spoiled and, as one sister later remarked, “Tony was always the star”. His mother thought so highly of him that she predicted he would become either pope or prime minister. With this sort of parental adoration it was no wonder that Abbott was a loud-mouthed, attention-seeking boy who saw himself as always being in the right. ... bbott-2250

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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:45 am

How dare you post "The Monthly"
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by mellie » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:46 am

Really Mantra, you get your scoop from the Daily Menstrual, oh, I mean 'The Monthly'?.... :rofl

It's notoriously left as much as it's feminist.

No self respecting author would be caught dead writing for it,(these days, post 2009 due to the 'unquotable' controversy surrounding it's new breed of editorial) much less post a link to it here.



Mantra, that publication is known for it's radical feminism and leftardism.

:roll It would be like me posting a 'Menzies House' publication supporting my disappointment with Julia Gillard....only far less tacky.


A little about the author who wrote the article you posted Mantra...


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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by mantra » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:17 am

What does it matter where my material is sourced from? It is no worse than the crap the right whingers are spouting here.

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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:31 am

mantra wrote:What does it matter where my material is sourced from? It is no worse than the crap the right whingers are spouting here.
According to Aussie it matters, and actually, it is worse.

The rightys might post an article from Piers or Bolt here and there but the Monthly is whole devoted entire rag to leftwing views.
Even News Ltd has left and rightwing journos on board- imagine that! Your evil Murdoch news corp is more balanced than your source :lol:
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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