Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

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Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

Post by Mattus » Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:50 pm

Mark Lynas got it wrong. And he is sorry.

For those of you who don't now who mark Lynas is I will save you the google. Mark is a journalist who is known for his role as a leading British environmental activist and principal opponent to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. He led the opposition to Monsanto and calls to ban GMO crops in Europe. He was widely succussful in his lobbying and influenced the perception of millions against GMOs in the 90s.

He is still an environmental activist. But these days; now older, wiser and having finally versed himself with the science, he is no longer an opponent of GMOs, but rather somewhat of an advocate.

Here is some of the transcript of his public apology.
I want to start with some apologies. For the record, here and upfront, I apologise for having spent several years ripping up GM crops. I am also sorry that I helped to start the anti-GM movement back in the mid 1990s, and that I thereby assisted in demonising an important technological option which can be used to benefit the environment.

As an environmentalist, and someone who believes that everyone in this world has a right to a healthy and nutritious diet of their choosing, I could not have chosen a more counter-productive path. I now regret it completely.

So I guess you’ll be wondering—what happened between 1995 and now that made me not only change my mind but come here and admit it? Well, the answer is fairly simple: I discovered science, and in the process I hope I became a better environmentalist.
To vilify GMOs is akin to climate change denial, because it ignores both the science which supports it, and takes a head-in-the-sand approach to the impending global food crisis. To feed the world - and here I am not just referring to the starving in Africa, but the exploding middle class in India and China who are demanding more and better-quality food - we must take advantage of all the technology available to us, including GMOs.

The current insistence on “natural”, organic, and food snobs now even demanding locally produced agriculture and livestock is to doom people to starvation. There is no scientific support for the potential benefits of non-GMO or locally grown and even the evidence for a benefit of organically grown food is extremely weak. On the other hand, the scientific evidence for an imminent starvation crisis is extremely strong.

One point that Lynas makes in is mea culpa, which i had not fully appreciated before is that the reason why big companies dominate the industry is that anti-GMO activists and policymakers have made it too difficult for small startups to enter the field. Here the damage has probably already been done and it will take a complete turn around, including direct government support in the form of grants, to rekindle the sort of innovation which arises from a competitive market, and which we will need to supply the food demands of this generation.

An honest and frank admission of wrong is rare in the world of environmental politics, but this really underscores the need for real, unbiased and well funded scientific research in informing policy debate.
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Re: Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:49 pm

To vilify GMOs is akin to climate change denial, because it ignores both the science which supports it,
Pretty dumb defence since there is no concensus and alarmists ignore "the science" which doesn't support them.
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Re: Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

Post by Super Nova » Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:11 pm

mattus wrote:An honest and frank admission of wrong is rare in the world of environmental politics, but this really underscores the need for real, unbiased and well funded scientific research in informing policy debate.
I was impressed when I heard Mark Lynas on the BBC 4 radio a couple of months ago making these statements.

What's to understand about the science. Food is food.

I hope we see more of this "coming out" honesty from those opened minded enough to learn and express what they now understand to their followers.
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Re: Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:49 pm

If you think that someone like Lynas and his ilk have had an epiphany and have exchanged fear mongering for logic and pragmatism then you would be more gullible than his readers.

Perhaps the only epiphany he has had is that AGW has a higher chance of bringing forth socialist goals hence the need to consolidate the environmental movement and cull someof their 'product line'?

Although I expect that convincing the 'consumers' of their current product line aren't going to take one of their favorites being removed off the shelf lying down and will continue to manufacture dissent in backyard labs
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Re: Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

Post by Super Nova » Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:02 pm

I guess the need to come clean when they know they are/have been wrong to ensure the have credibility for the next round of "products" they need to launch.

However I do think most environmentalist have their heart in the right place and they take extreme positions to counter the extreme positions sometimes taken by those they see as the enemy of the enironment.

If they listen to the science (both sides) then progress can be made.
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Re: Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

Post by mellie » Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:20 pm

The dishonest and underhanded manner in which GM foods/organisms find their way onto our foods, (even infant formula) in packaging which claims to contain no GMO's doesn't help their cause any, regardless of stance.
Genetic modification breaks the natural boundaries that exist between species. A fish and a strawberry will not breed in nature, but in the laboratory, scientists can take a gene from a fish, insert it into a strawberry, and essentially create an entirely new organism.

Once these man-made organisms are released into the environment and the food chain, they reproduce and there is no way to recall them. No one knows what the long-term effects of GM organisms on the environment will be.

Does this mean that GM is potentially bad for your health? The answer is not exactly reassuring. Most of the science around GM is paid for by the companies such as Monsanto that manufacture the products, so an honest assessment is hard to come by. ... mula-test/

I'm undecided, though I think some unbiased research wouldn't go astray. :roll

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Re: Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

Post by Super Nova » Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:27 pm

Does this mean that GM is potentially bad for your health? The answer is not exactly reassuring. Most of the science around GM is paid for by the companies such as Monsanto that manufacture the products, so an honest assessment is hard to come by.
Is a catch all statement design to cause concern.

There are greater effects (in my view) on us in the pesticides and other goodies that are added by modern farm production tecniques than a little DNA engineering. Give me GM food any day over chemical laden tradition food
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Re: Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

Post by mellie » Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:32 pm

Super Nova wrote:Mel,
Does this mean that GM is potentially bad for your health? The answer is not exactly reassuring. Most of the science around GM is paid for by the companies such as Monsanto that manufacture the products, so an honest assessment is hard to come by.
Is a catch all statement design to cause concern.

There are greater effects (in my view) on us in the pesticides and other goodies that are added by modern farm production tecniques than a little DNA engineering. Give me GM food any day over chemical laden tradition food

I'd still feel more comfortable about it if there were more independent research.

I agree, there are probably more harmful substances out there, Dioxin, mercury, synthetics, surfactants...even preservatives, and artificial flavours...the list is endless.....Hexane is the very reason I switched to an organic formula.

But still....this doesn't mean we should assume it's safe.

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Re: Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

Post by mellie » Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:35 pm

By your logic, we should try something new and potentially harmful simply because it's likely there are more harmful things out there.

Ok....I'll go smoke some cannabis, because there's worse stuff out there to be had, ie LSD.

Make sense?

Environmental extremism -vrs- good old fashion common sense.

When in doubt, leave it out.

Pretty simple really.

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Re: Science; it can even redeem an environmental extremist

Post by mellie » Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:04 am

You gotta admit mattus, we mere humans have made our fair share of mistakes when it's come to a number of substances, chemicals, even pharmaceuticals (ie Thiomersal) we assumed were safe in the past, and not all that long ago I must stress. Big pharmaceutical company's conducted similarly biased research into the use of thiomersal (mercury) in our children's routine vaccines and gave us the all clear. 10 years later, there was grave concerns for it's safety, so as of 2001, they removed it from children's vaccines. It was a summit of doctors who stood up to big pharma and said, when in doubt leave it out, but sadly, the damage has been done.
These 'mistakes' are ongoing. :roll:
Eg, in the late 1990's our government approved the use of fermented algae and fungus sourced DHA and ARA, (Omega 3 and 6) extracted with a known neurotoxin 'Hexane' a toxic solvent used as a cleaner and for extracting edible oils from seeds, nuts, algae etc.

Would you believe me if I told you that ...
1) Our children's infant formulas contain trace amounts of this toxin?
2) And that the WHO are considering banning the use of DHA and ARA in infant formula across the world and not because omega 3 and 6 are harmful, but to avoid having to admit that the chemical solvent being used to extract it is harming our children more than naturally sourced fish-oil (containing DHA ) laced with mercury.

Really, is genetically modifying our ecosystem one more mistake we can afford to make?

My gut feeling tells me that once we start, even if we wanted to we wont be able to return to conventional (pre-GM) horticulture, bit like a butterfly effect.

This said, we need to be absolutely certain about what we're doing.
Last edited by mellie on Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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