Gillards character up for scrutiny

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Gillards character up for scrutiny

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:20 pm

Looks like ALP smear tactics may come back to bite them.

With the recent focus on Abbotts university days 35 years ago and the intense unquestioning media scrutiny from the leftwing rags to paint the allegations as a forgone conclusion..even with no evidence, witnesses or previous mention of it, the ALP seem to have opened the door on a once 'code of honor' amongst political parties as no-go areas

Gillards past history dallying with married men looks to raise its head and if the left were trying to paint Abbott as having a problem with women, imagine how bringing Gillards penchant for fucking and stealing married men will go down with middle Australian women?

There are two 'known' of affairs where she got bent over by married men. Craig Emerson and Bruce Wilson but there is sure to be many more skeletons in this woman's closet. One wonders when her current partner separated and divorced from his ex-wife? Apparently they were 'friends' before they officially hooked up.

This could get very interesting and probably one of the dirtiest elections in Australian history. The ALP will only have itself to blame
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Re: Gillards character up for scrutiny

Post by Bart » Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:45 pm

Gillard's doctination states that you are not allowed to criticise the ALP and especially the Prime Minister's performance or lack thgereof.

And also according to Gillard's dictatorship if you do criticise the ALP or Gillard then it is a sexist comment.

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Re: Gillards character up for scrutiny

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:06 pm

I think it's time to expose the lying slutbag for all her rootrat slutty behaviour.

If she was a male PM, the left would have been all over any marital indiscretions.
Time to out the man stealing whore.

Where are the journo interviews with Emerson and Wilson's ex's? What are they so afraid of? Their jobs obviously...
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Gillards character up for scrutiny

Post by Bart » Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:51 pm

Don't forget Gillard's manbag Tim Mathison, Australia's first Bozo.
Obviously Gillard subjects him to a lot of domestic violence and smashes him around to keep him in check. :b :b :b
And then she tries to do it in Parliament but when she doesn't get her own way she spits the dummy and wets her nappy whilst complaining that itr is sexism.
Why does Gillard hate men? :b :b :b
Women...if they had brains they'd be men

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