Maybe this comment could be enlightening? Who knows:
As I said in the earlier post on this topic, the problem I think here is that it is a moral and potentially an efficiency and morale issue. A warship requires discipline, respect and trust amongst its crew to run efficiently and I can’t see how there could be too much respect amongst the male sailors taking part in this betting game for their female counterparts. Along with that, I reckon it wouldn’t be too long before the secret got out on board….A ship at sea is, afterall, a very small and close-knit community…and that would then see the end of any trust that the women would have for their male shipmates — hence no respect and trust amongst the crew, which would almost inevitably lead to a collapse of morale, efficiency and discipline.
Having said that, I don’t think it’s a major scandal either - 4 members out of a crew of about 220 is hardly indicative of an epidemic within the Navy, just 4 rather silly and probably immature sailors.